Renewable Energy Sources
The rising price of petroleum triggered by ever increasing demand is also forcing people to shift to the use alternative sources of energy which in this case happen to be renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources include solar energy, wind energy, hydro-power, geothermal power, bio fuels and ethanol on corn.
Effects of global warming
Global warming is the rise in temperature on the earths atmosphere due to release of green house gases into the atmosphere. These gases are trapped in the ozone layer and eventually destroy it. The challenges the world is facing due to global warming are enormous.
When the ozone layer is depleted, it leads to melting of polar ice and rise in ocean level. Rising oceanic levels will affect life in the coastal areas and will lead to migration of people and wildlife inlands. Scientists believe that global warming is responsible for the hurricane activities experienced in the recent past. Melting of polar ice will release large quantity of methane now trapped in the soil into the atmosphere eventually speeding effects of global warming. (
The greenhouse gases cause widening of holes in the ozone layer which acts as a protective cover against Ultraviolet radiation. When the ozone layer is destroyed , the ultraviolet rays affects life by causing skin cancers, damage the immune system, affect pollination and seed production and also destroy marine life. This trend can only be reversed by embracing the use of renewable energy which does not release toxic gases into the atmosphere.
Types of renewable energy sources
Geothermal power is generated from the heat found deep in the earths crust. The heat under the earths surface is converted into electricity by tapping the hot water or steam from underground and using it to provide power in homes, offices and industries. This form of energy is environmentally friendly and reliable because the temperatures under the earths surface remain constant.
Hydro-power is electricity generated from water and used to provide power to industries and energy for domestic purposes. Hydropower is the most commonly used renewable source of energy in the United States. Hydroelectricity is produced by tapping water in a dam and using it to turn turbines which produce electricity. (Godfrey 32) Hydropower has many benefits associated with it. Dams create habitats for terrestrial animal species and are also used to control flooding which could be destructive to the environment. In this way production of hydropower help conserve the environment.
Solar energy on the other hand is tapped from the sun and used to provide electricity, heat water cool homes and offices and power other machines such as mobile phones. There are different ways to tap solar power. It can be tapped by use of passive solar building designs which utilize the suns heat to provide light and space heating.
Solar energy is also tapped by the use of photovoltaic cells which convert sunlight into electricity. Solar energy is free although the machines used to convert it into electricity are expensive. The process of converting solar energy into electricity has minimal environmental impact and therefore helps conserve the environment.
Biomass is power generated from plants and crop products as well as from residues from forestry products and municipal organic wastes. Biomass energy is the second highest producer of energy in the United States. This form of fuel has the capacity to replace fossil fuel in supplying energy for industrial and domestic use.
Biomass fuel can be used for direct heating for example firewood. It can also be converted into liquid form to provide fuel for vehicles. It can also be used to generate electricity. Biomass energy can be used as an effective way of managing organic industrial waste and convert it into energy. Biomass fuels such as ethanol and biodiesel emit less carbon into the atmosphere when used to power vehicles. (Godfrey 49) This is one of the best ways of conserving thee environment.
Wind power is also tapped by using blades which are mounted on tall masts and used to turn generators which produce electricity. The turbines rotated by wind produce electricity without producing pollutants into the atmosphere. Since the power produced by wind increase with speed, windmills are located in places where there is strong wind to maximize power supply. When wind mills are sited properly they reduce negative impact on the wildlife such as birds. Nose which was also an environmental concern associated with wind power has been solved by improved technology.
Due to the danger associate with fossil fuels of depletion and environmental hazard, renewable sources of energy are becoming a reliable alternative. This is because they cannot get finished as well as being environmentally friendly. Although there are several negative environmental impacts associate with renewable energy, and high cost of production the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. With improved technology renewable energy sources will have lesser negative environmental impacts compared with fossil fuels and they provide the only hope for the future energy needs.
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