London City Airport Assessing the Effects of Opened Airways on Climate Change
Upon these studies it was revealed that the main cause of climate change is due to the increasing utilization of fuels, the layers of the earth had been severely damaged because of the carbon dioxide being excreted in the atmosphere. In this study, the effects of climate change shall be viewed through the eyes of people around the vicinity of London City Airport who are directly experiencing the consequences of high consumption of fuels.
Therefore, this study shall be based on how knowledgeable and reliable individuals who could provide the best information regarding the relations of climate change and open airways in London. Furthermore, this study focuses on how different individuals experience climate change due to open airways in London.
Literature Review
In order to further understand and the issues relating to climate change and open airways, this section shall provide readers the basic concepts which are needed to elaborate such as climate change, relations of open airways to the current climate change and Londons current status in climate change. Thus, this section shall also provide gaps of the topic.
Climate Change
In the world where technologies had been one of the most important factors in the society, climate is one aspect which is neglected. However, due to the erratic changes in the environment and weather, people cannot simply neglect the changes and appeal for the extreme weather conditions that they experience. Thus, upon further study, there was a realization that the current situation of the earth is not more normal than it was before (Claussen, et. al. 2001).
From the year 1977, climate change had been an issue with different scientist due to the changes which they had observed in the atmosphere. During this time, many scientists tried to gather various politician who will help implement different policies which could help lessen the problems of climate change (IPCC, 2008). However, many politicians find this irrelevant during those times which led to continuing climate change. Hence, scientists continued to create studies regarding climate change and see the effects that it had in the environment and the earth. Although studies are often done and discoveries of what causes climate change, the capabilities of scientists cannot be until be extended upon the mitigation and implementation of policies. Therefore, the problem lies in not seeing the importance of nature and the resources in the world (Carbon Solutions Group 2007).
Finally, after decades of neglecting the issues of the environment, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or the IPCC had been one of the most fundamental organizations which viewed the importance of climate change in the international community. The role of the organization is, to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation (IPCC, 2007). Therefore, IPCC had been one of the main organizations that are made in order to address the needs of climate change and also to continuously research on the most current changes and developments in the climate system. More over, the IPCC together with other organizations are collaborating with each other in order to further create a much reliable study.
Furthermore, the United Nations is also one of the most popular international organizations to which provide help to different situations regarding climate and the environment. Through its sub unit United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) through this, the United Nations is able to address various types of issues relating to the environment most especially with climate change which is creating a huge impact in different societies around the world. Thus, the importance of climate had been one of the main issues which had been battled and mitigated by the whole organization. In addition to this, there are also local organizations which helped creating ways to prevent the harmful ways of climate change.
After the Cold War, the concept of national security arose in the international community in which states that military power should be strengthen in order to have security. Litfin (1999) argues that environment and military is the current trend of international politics. Now is a period where in military power is equated to national power. Although it was a good thought, she stated that there are underlying meanings of national security. The words are very attractive however, if looked closely, it is still based on the national interest and the view of the state on how national security should be translated. Just like national security, environmental security is a very attractive word but as theorists see it, the word could be a source of conflict among states. She said that the term is just an umbrella to much greater interests. Though there are still organizations such as United Nations that views environment security as a means for the international cooperation to have global or human security that will draw together nations and therefore bringing sustainable development in the world (Paul and Hall, eds. 1999).
Litfin argues that, today the international trend is different, because the past security that states are practicing such as military hegemony, balance-of-power politics, and gun boat diplomacy currently look as if they are much unknown in international politics. Though the international community barely uses these strategies anymore, coercive power would not be inevitable. With this link, Litfin argues that environment and military is connected with each other. The NATO released a study that looks into the connection of environment and security and the possible environment problems that could arise. In addition to that, an action plan was provided for the problem to be easily solved. Litfin, on the other hand argued that environment problems could not be handled by the military because of the prevailing effects due to the Cold War, that are hazardous and poses a great danger to the next generation Though the military had done badly for the environment, they are trying to make up for it by looking into the US militarys toxic waste production. (Paul and Hall, eds. 1999)
Scientific View of Climate Change
Climate change is a process where in carbon dioxideswhich is normally emitted in the atmosphere is currently excessive due to anthropogenic causes. Anthropogenic or human caused climate change had been very excessive through different pollutants or materials. Thus, the carbon dioxide which had been emitted by various materials goes to the atmosphere. The excessive carbon dioxide causes harm to the atmosphere which results to increasing of the heat in the earth. The changing of the temperature of the earth causes different kinds of problems in the climate (IPCC, 2007). The usual flow of the climate in the whole world is affected. Thus, the climate of the world is related to the biological process of the ecosystem. The ice bergs in North Pole and in the Alaskan regions are melting because of the heat from the sun and from the heat of the water. In the written work of LeTreut and Somerville had stated in their studies that the climate system is a complex interactive system consisting of the atmosphere, land surface, snow and ice, oceans and other bodies of water, and living things (LeTreut and Somerville, 2007).
Therefore, climate change highly affects the weather of different places which relates to the high risks in the climate. Evidently, the changing of the weather and the climate brought various calamities different places in the earth. The difficulties of the weather are causes different. There are many effects of climate change, as enumerated by Le Treut and Somerville, the climate system can either amplify or diminish the effects of climate change. One example given is the rising concentrations of GHGs that warms the Earths climate where in the snow and ice begin to melt. The melting reveals darker land and water surfaces that were under the snow and ice, and these darker surfaces absorb more of the Suns heat, causing further warming that leads to more melting and so on. (Le Treut Somerville, 2007)
In general, it discussed the science, the history and the actions made by the IPCC towards the realization of climate change as threat. The authors discussed the past issues that lead to climate change and also the factors that affected the progression of the issue. The e-book is focused on the science of climate change other than the activities done by the IPCC in order to solve the problem of climate change. There were technical terms that are used such as forcing and feedbacks that needed to be searched in order to understand. In conclusion, the authors have explained climate change clearly in all areas of discussion (United Nations 2002 United Nations 1987).
In this topic, the gaps which are mostly seen are the issues with regards to the people. Although the people are ones most affected by the climate change, there are few studies which pertain to the importance of the peoples perspective in climate change. Environmental concerns are highly significant with people because it is the source of living. Through natural resources, various kinds of products are made to help people with their daily lives. Without natural resources, the basic needs of people could not be addressed and death would only be the end of the lost of natural materials. Hence, without the natural resources individuals could not live therefore, life threatening to the current and future societies.
Although most of these were known, the people are not taken any response with the situation. There are polls and interview with random individuals however there are not reaction from certain people who are directly experiencing the problems of climate change. Furthermore through the help of the government and other present entities, there must be policies and programmes that should be imposed or suggested by the community to follow. Through this, the people have direct participation in addressing climate change while also seeing the perspective of people of the importance of climate change. Furthermore the researcher believes that the writings present about climate change, is very sufficient to different researchers. There are various types of perspective regarding climate change however there are few that use the point of view of the people regarding climate change. Thus, the researcher would like to use such concept in order to present the hypothesis of the study.
The research study aims to assess the effects of opened airways on the environment. More specifically, it will investigate on the case of the London City Airport and its effects on climate change.
In order to explore on the topic of climate change in relation with the newly opened Airways in London, the research has the following objectives.
To be able to determine the effects of opened airways on the environment, specifically regarding climate change.
To be able to gain insight regarding the perception of the public, specifically individuals who are knowledgeable about climate change and those people living in the vicinity of the London City Airport.
To be able to determine the corresponding ways in order to address the effects of opened airways in relation to climate change.
To be able to contribute on the existing body of knowledge on climate change.
Opened airways contribute to environmental degradation, as the public believes that it is one of the major causes of climate change.
The research will greatly benefit a number of people because the study deals with an important environment issue. The topic of climate change is one of the most controversial environmental problems that the world is facing. The effects of climate change transcends territorial boundaries in a since that all people regardless of their geographic location are affected by this environmental problem. In this sense, almost all people will benefit from the study because climate change is a subject matter that affects their everyday life. Nevertheless, there are also specific industries that will gain much from this research. Since the study will investigate on the effects of opened airways in the environment, the aviation and the business industries will become more knowledgeable regarding the effects of their operations, specifically opened airways on the environment. Due to this, the people within these industries will become more mindful of how they affect the condition of climate change. In addition, the corresponding recommendations of the study could also help them in studying opened airways and its relation with the environment, especially in terms of improving their mode of operations.
This research will use both the quantitative and qualitative types of research in order to assess the effects of opened airways on climate change. More specifically, the study will focus on the effects of the opened airways in the London City Airport on climate change as observed by the people in the vicinity of this air transportation. In addition, the research will also give due attention to insights of knowledgeable individuals when it comes to the issue of climate change. The type of research that is chosen for this study has the ability to properly capture the answers to the subject that is under investigation. Furthermore, the information coming from the respondents that cannot be quantified, such as opinion and experiences should be left as it is in order for its value to remain undiminished.
The mixed methodology that uses both quantitative and qualitative types of research analyses a certain phenomenon or address a problem through numeric and narrative data (Tashakkori and Teddlie 1998). The mixed method approach employs both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of inquiry. Mixed methodology as a combination of quantitative and qualitative type of research seemed impossible at first because of the distinction that these have. However, in order to understand the mixed methodology it is important to understand the two components that are involved in it.
Quantitative research entails that the gathering of data should be done in a controlled environment, exhibits objectivity, uses empirical findings based on investigation, and the results of the research should be generally applicable to a population (Balnaves and Caputi 2001). The quantitative type of research is usually used in the field of natural sciences wherein scientific inquiries are often done. This type of research entails that the data is gathered in quantitative form and it is interpreted based on a statistical approach. One of the main benefits of using the quantitative type of research is that it gives the researcher the ease of computing and analyzing the data. In relation to this, this type of research allows the systematic organization of data because there are categories and standards that classify the responses made by the participants. Moreover, the results obtain from a research that used the quantitative approach could be generalized to a larger population because the qualitative findings could be run by using statistical tests that makes it applicable to a larger setting.
On the other hand, the qualitative type of research has characteristics, which are the exact opposite of quantitative research. Qualitative research involves the study of variables in the natural setting, needs human intervention, emergent by nature, interpretative, and utilizes context as its main basis (Silverman 2004). Frequently, this type of research is use in the field of social sciences wherein the sociological phenomenon together with its corresponding problems are addressed through the answers that are obtained from non-controlled environment. One of the most prominent advantages of the use of the qualitative approach is that it realizes the considerable native ability people have to know about things about their own lives, one another, and their respective works (Bozinovski 1999 67). The qualitative type of research allows the study of a specific aspect of research through the perspective of the subjects or respondents who experienced it. As such, qualitative research allows the researcher to acquire data that is unique to the individual, namely reasons, opinion, biases, perspectives, and personal preferences. Qualitative research enables the collection of data that cannot be placed in a single quantitative category because the variables that are derived from a qualitative approach are difficult to quantify because it might lose its real meaning.
Being the case, the use of combined qualitative and quantitative type of research will make it easier for the researcher to gain knowledge regarding the perceptions of the respondents and additional insights that are regarded as quantitative information could also be given in relation with the topic. The data gathering and analysis of the research acquire a holistic character because the quantitative and qualitative types of research allow the data gathered to support and compliment each other.
In the case of this research, the use of both quantitative and qualitative approaches will enable the researcher to simplify the organization and analysis of data, specifically ratings and demographical information that are related to certain variables. In addition, it also gives the researcher the ability to probe for further information regarding the relation of opened airways and climate change by means of elaborating the experiences and perceptions of the respondents. This is clearly exemplified in the part of the research wherein the unique opinion and comments coming from the observation of the people in the vicinity of the London City Airport is required for the purpose of this study. Not all of these people have the same perception when it comes to the effects of opened airways on climate change because of the different experiences that they have with regards to the subject matter. As a result, it is necessary to give due account of the experiences and opinion of people, as this will provide several perspectives on the issue that will help address the problem of the research.
The use of survey method in the gathering of data is dependent upon the need to collect quantitative data in the real world, or as Robson (2002) placed it, in non-laboratory situations where experiments are often neither feasible nor ethically defensible and surveys give that scientific ring of confidence (230). The benefit of using the survey method is observable in the convenience that it gives the researcher when it comes to the collection of data from a large number of respondents. Survey method allows the ease in the collection of data because it can easily be distributed and administered among several respondents, as this data collection method does not need human intervention as compared with other measurement procedures. In relation to this, the survey method also allows the systematic organisation and analysis of data because the gathered information is coded into statistical software or manually computed in terms of its categories. In addition, the use of quantified data in surveys enables the investigation of the relationship between variables. There are several questions that must be administered among the respondents the use of the survey method is more time efficient and practical in terms of the effort of the researcher because these questions could easily be answered by the respondents through a survey questionnaire. In line with this, it is more likely that there will be a high response rate from the people living in the vicinity of the London City Airport with the use of the survey method because it will be more convenient for the respondents to answer the questions instead of face-to-face interviews or focus group discussions. Moreover, the respondents will be more confident to answer structured questionnaire as honest as possible because their confidentiality is protected because they are given the option not to put their names in the questionnaire.
The researcher in this study will use the random sampling method in identifying the respondents. The researcher adheres to a systematic random sampling without replacement that will help in obtaining the respondents for the study, who are living in the vicinity of the London City Airport. This type of sampling method is chosen because it allows the acquisition of good sample in terms of the perception of the public about opened airways and how it contribute or not to the condition of climate change. In connection with this, there are also several factors that must be carefully considered in order to obtain different opinion on the experiences of the public regarding opened airways and its effect on climate change.
All the respondents that will participate in the study should be in the vicinity of the London City Airport. The proximity of the people in the London City Airport would be determined by their everyday interaction with the airport, in terms of whether they live near it or their place of employment is also within the area. From all those people living in the vicinity of the London City Airport, 100 respondents will be chosen in order to complete the questionnaires. Before answering the questionnaires, the respondents are assured that their answers and most especially their identity will remain confidential and their responses will only be used for the purpose of this research.
Descriptive statistics will be used in order to analyze the gathered data from the respondents in relation to the hypothesis that is given in this research study. The answers of the respondents in the survey will be organised and analysed through the use of statistical software, specifically the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 17.0 and Microsoft Excel will also be used in order to organize the data. The utilization of these aforementioned tools allows easier and more systematic organisation and analysis of the data, especially with the large number of respondents and questions.
Lastly, the researcher will be able to obtain the opinion and stance of individuals who are knowledgeable about climate change by using secondary sources in the form of books, journals, case studies, research papers, thesis, dissertation and other related materials. The studies previously made by other researchers or people in the field of the environment and who are expert in climate change, will substantially help in framing the survey questionnaire for the study in order for the researcher to ask the right questions that will probe the respondents with their corresponding opinion and perception about the subject matter. In relation with this, the use of secondary sources will also give additional insight for the researcher to properly assess the effects of opened airways on climate change.
Proposed Plan of Work
Week One In order to invite people to provide information regarding the climate change I would create small gathering for people in order to introduce my subject. Thus, upon attaining the interests of a certain group of people I shall create questionnaires to fit the topic at hand.
Week Two upon providing questionnaires further research of the subject shall be done.
Week Three Tallying of the answers will be the main work for this week while analysing the information provided. Contacting other resource person would also be done within the week.
Week Four After realizing the information provided by the respondents writing of the research material should be started. On the other hand if there are primary sources available and willing to participate interviews will also be held. Thus, there is also a need to transcribe various types of materials to be put in the appendix part of the study.
Week Five and Six This week must focus into writing wherein every resource must be utilized. Thus, writing the whole research paper must be done during this period. Also, revising and changing various types of information within the paper. Any period exceeding these weeks must be focused on the managing the whole research paper.
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