A Letter to Mr. Tee Explicating the Steps in Technical Report Writing

Dear, Mr. Tee
Good day,

I am aware that you have just been assigned to complete a report and research on Waste Gasification as probable solution to the worsening case of garbage disposal here in our area. I am also aware that due to time constraints it shall be very hard for you to do extensive research on the topic anymore. Considering this, I thought I have to explain to you the specific steps and key points in preparing this paper in order to make it less complicated for to complete this report.

Firstly I would like to provide you with some basics on waste gasification. Waste gasification is a process which has been innovated as an answer to the growing waste disposal predicament of the world. It basically involves heating waste products that will emit and produce chemicals that are usable in producing some form of energy. Basically, these are the fundamentals you have to understand about waste gasification. Let us now proceed with your organization and writing.
This paper that you are about to work on is a technical report. When we say technical report, it means that it is of a higher level than that of a layman or an average persons writing. This is because it involves some technical terms and ideals that have to be explicated and expounded upon in order for average readers to easily comprehend them. So considering this, you have to anticipate a higher level of writing compared to what how we use to write back in college.

You have to understand first what this technical report is for. In order to address the goals of this paper work straight, you have to know that this is directed towards informing the people what waste gasification is all about. Since we are working on finding a new suitable waste management plan, this paper has to be kind of persuading in some sense. This is because we have to make people believe in the objectives and functions of this project. So at this point, you have to think of clear objectives in order for your article to have some sense of direction.

Now, let us get to the main writing act. Firstly, you have to furnish an organized outline. This outline will aid in creating a logical sequence of thoughts and information. This shall also serve as the backbone of your paper as well as your guide for you to not veer towards other direction in the course of writing your paper. In the outline, set your main subject or thesis. Is waste gasification helpful Has it been proven by other waste management projects These are some of the possible focuses you can choose from. In the introduction, you have create a strong impression immediately. This will encourage readers to continue reading your report. Mention some things about the current waste management dilemmas of this community and how the officials are working on several waste management projects in order to address this dilemma. And after this, you can easily segue to waste gasification as one of the proposed plans.  At this point, you have to build up the impression that the succeeding parts of the discussion will be very significant to the readers as they are the stakeholders in this situation. With this, you have to specifically cite how significant this discussion is for the solution of the waste management dilemma of the community. Once you have already introduced this idea, stick to it and avoid veering toward other irrelevant information.

The next thing you have to do is provide the basic details and information about waste gasification. As you start, it may be very helpful to first identify and explicate the basic terms. What is waste And what is gasification How did this waste management process came to be, and how does this work What are the major elements and processes involved and what are the bi-products In this part, you should also specify the elemental equipment of materials to be used in this process, and how applicable and available these are in our community. Next, you have to mention the important considerations that officials have to take about this plan. Are there safety precautions that have to be implemented Are there significant preparatory stages that have to completed first before this plan has to be put to action In doing this, you are not just addressing the stakeholders, but also the local government officials on important considerations that need appropriate time and attention before setting such plan into action. When you come at the concluding part of this paper, you have to restate hos significant this is for the people. Also, restate the main idea or objective of this paper in order to make such an idea last in your readers awareness.

Aside from these things, you have to make sure that your writing passes a certain level of standard that goes beyond an undergraduate level of writing. Keep in mind that you are not addressing college students here, but government officials and concerned stake holders in the community. Moreover, you can to make sure that your writing is comprehensible despite its technical nature. It can be easily assumes that not all people in the community have already heard about what waste gasification is, so you better be careful in clearly defining every technical term you encounter.

Basically, these are the steps in writing a technical report like this. Take not of these steps and you shall be properly guided throughout the entire writing process.


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