One of the environmental issues that the world is facing right now is the global warming. This means an increase in the temperature of the earth above the normal level. The effects of the climate change and global warming are of much concern for the human life and the environment. The systems of the human beings are viewed to be variable in their ability to adapt to the climate change in future. The system of climate also differs both by internal processes (natural ones) and external forces, caused by the humans as well as a great variety of other factors.  This essay argues that the global warming is not caused predominantly by humans. Thus, non-human causes of the global warming include the following volcanic emissions, changes in the rotation of the earth around the sun and solar activity. 
Debate on Climate (Mother Nature vs. Human Activity)

The most important analysis of the debate on climate summaries acknowledged by the majority of scientists proves that the global warming is majorly caused by mans activities, although few people argue that Mother Nature is the primary contributor.    

Egg or Chicken question looms over the debate of climate
Clearer skies or warmer temperature, which came fast Solution to that and similar egg or chicken type questions can make a considerable contribution to our awareness being aware of both man made global warming and climate change. Increasing CO2 (Carbon dioxide) or CH4 (Methane) to the atmosphere, with no other transition, will make the surface of the planet warmer. Certainly, the emissions of the green house gas has a temperature increasing impact without which the earths temperature could be lower (300C) and, thus, make the earth not fit to live in (Meehl, et al. 2005). Therefore, it is appropriate to claim that there is a debate between the people who support and oppose the theory that explains that the increase of the amount of carbon dioxide or methane to the atmosphere of the earth will lead to warmer temperatures on the surface of the earth. 

The theory of solar variation
Direct differences in the output of solar energy emerge too minute to have significantly changed the climate on the other hand, some researchers have suggested that the impact of other processes increase the effect. Solar energy and volcanic activities may account for half of the temperature differences prior to 1950 but that the net consequence the activity of such natural forces has been approximately neutral since then. The transition in climate forcing from green house gas since 1750 was approximated to be eight times larger than the force in change due to rising solar gases activity over the same episode.        

Additional Theories
A variety of other hypotheses have been projected, including but not restricted to the warming is within the collection of natural distinction and requirements no particular justification  the warming is a result of coming out of a previous cool age, the little ice age, and call for a no other rationalization the warming tendency itself has not undoubtedly established and as a result does not need any clarification. At the moment, none of these has many supporters within the climate science society.

Pre human global warming
Some geologists consider that the Earth underwent global warming in the early Jurassic age, with average temperatures increasing by 5 C. Research by the Open University published in Geology (2004) shows that this results to the rate of rock weathering to amplify by 400 percent. Consequently this, CO2 (carbon dioxide) levels decreased back to normal approximately over the next 150,000 years (Clark et al, 2002). Unexpected discharge of methane from its clathrate (ice complex) has been hypothesized as a reason of precedent global warming. Two events probably connected in this way are the extinction of Permian-Triassic event and the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Yet, warming at the end of the very last ice age is considered not to be because of methane release.

Public argument
The debate on the global warming is a continuing disagreement about the effects of the factors of non human nature upon the global weather and the policy that should be implemented to avoid the negative effects of the future yet the present agreement from the executive communities of the scientific on weather change is that current warming is human-caused.

Climatologists Views
Clark et al (2002) foretells that in the approaching years, there will be an increasing recognition among the research community of the global warming that most of the climate change that has been observed is natural, and that human activities are of relatively minor scale. In addition, Clark et al (2002) says, the gap connecting the existing theory and the satellite observations is big enough to cast serious uncertainty on all computer model foresight of future warming. No matter what the reason of the gap is, we cannot rely on the General Circulation Models (GCM) forecast of future warming. They are not even steady with each other their temperature forecast differs at times by 300 percent (Clark et al, 2002). Until the General Circulation Models turn out to be validated by genuine climate observations, they ought not to be used as the source for policy.

Maslin (2004) says that the cosmic rays and the sun probably will be capable to account for someplace between a half and the whole of the raise in the temperature of the Earth that we have seen in the last one hundred years.  Maslin (2004) further states that the atmospheric green house outcome is a well recognized natural phenomenon, frequently caused by atmospheric water vapour that keeps the earth habitable and warm but global warming refers to a small additional green house warming of about 0.5-1 C33 C, 1-5  supposedly arising from a boost in concentration of the minority green house effects, raise in carbon dioxide arising from the fossil fuel burning in the atmosphere. Cazenave and Nerem (2004) say, by the mid 21st century the earth will face a different Ice Age, comparable to the Maunder Minimum, since the amount of solar radiation striking the Earth has been decreasing all the time given that the 1990s will attain its minimum around in 2041. Maslin (2004) notes that, the connection between global warming and the burning of fossil fuels is a myth. It is time the world leaders, their science advisers and many pressure groups of the environment woke up to the fact. In addition Cazenave and Nerem  (2004) note that individual beliefs on rising sea levels and climate change ought to be delayed until one of the many foretells made since 1985 on the base of carbon additions to the atmosphere happens.

Cazenave and Nerem  (2004) say, with the absolute discredit of the curve of current change in temperature that was the icon of the account, the IPCC case for unsafe human caused warming now relies only on an unclear anecdotal proof, invalidated models of the computer and false attribution studies of the IPCC in 2004. Meehl, et al. (2005) says the majority of leading geologists all over the world know that the IPCCs analyses of processes on the Earth are incredible, if not possible. The reasons of these transitions are cosmogenic. Clark et al (2002) says until now the indication of a perceptible contribution of man to the global climate change has not emerged from background noise or this natural variability. Clark et al (2002) adds that the environmental changes will affect the Alaska in excess of any other state because of the position.

There is no tentative information to hold up the assumption that increase in the atmospheric carbon dioxide or in human hydrocarbon use and other green house gases are the cause or can be anticipated to the cause of hostile changes in weather, global temperatures, or landscape. We also should not worry about calamities of the environment even though the existing natural warming trend continues. During the past 3,000 years the Earth has been extremely warmer without catastrophic effects.

We should all be concerned about this issue. No matter what the reason of the cooling trend is, its effects can be very severe, if not catastrophic. As noted by Maslin  (2004),  scientists say that only a 1 decline in the amount of sunlight striking the surface of the earth can tip the balance of climatic and cool the earth adequate to send it sliding down the road to one more ice age only within a few centuries.

What are a few of the natural causes of warming of the globe
As a part of the science lessons at school, for example, pupils are certainly taught that carbon dioxide is a compound that is naturally occurring. Animals breathe it out and this provides food for plant life. The organic material that is decaying releases CO2. There is no need to question these informations. Green house gases can be released into the atmosphere from a multiple of natural sources. The skeptics of weather science still have latched on a number of natural phenomena and attempt to dispute that they are the chief reasons for global warming. A number of the natural occurrences that cause the global warming include the following

Volcanic eruptions volcanoes produce carbon dioxide when they erupt although, volcanic emission of carbon dioxide do not overshadow those emitted by humans.

Solar cycles and cosmic rays the latest study by the European scientists group concluded that the possibility of the natural cosmic ray or solar irradiance clarification being accountable for over 14 of the observed warming is quite insignificant.

Water vapor some scientists believe that water vapor is the major prevalent green house gas and as a result is the chief cause of global warming, not carbon dioxide. This is partially true. Water vapor is the major prevalent gas though, it is emitted as feedback of amplified carbon dioxide emissions and is not a forcing of the warming of the globe.

In conclusion, it should be mentioned, that concentration of green house gases increases in the atmosphere of the earth and develops its warming effect or green house effect. The recent global warming concerns have fueled the debate that natural causes are basically accountable for this problem. Thus, if the nature is the main reason causing the process of global warming, is there any motive to change the activities of man that boost the levels of methane, carbon dioxide, and other green house gases While the debate persists, there is little uncertainty that humans emit green house gases, but bear minor responsibility for the present warming trend. It is one thing to recognize changes in climate that diverge from the historical patterns but it is much more complicated to show that such changes are caused by the activity of man. Taking into consideration the question of the activity of man and climate change it is important to differentiate between the global warming which is a progressive raise in the yearly mean temperature of the globe and human activities inducing the green house effect, as may, for instance, be caused by the emission of green house gases into the atmosphere as the outcome of deforestation or fossil fuel combustion.


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