A lot of us have been guilty of disposing our own personal trash and waste haphazardly. We throw candy wrappers on the street, mix recyclable and biodegradable garbage and generally are careless and not knowledgeable enough of efficient and ergonomic waste disposal schemes. While we think to ourselves that the trash we have is too little to make a difference in the total amount of garbage that is produced every day, we are actually contributing to what can harm environmental and even human health in several years or so.

    It is important to take the fact that the earth has finite resources and will eventually lose the ability to endure because of all the waste we are piling on it. When this happens, the earth will not be able to maintain and provide for the needs of the future generations. Sustainability is defined as the earths ability to endure and support human life. It naturally requires a reconciliation of environmental, social and economic demands. In effect, if we continue to ignore the earths quiet call for us to start contributing to the restoration of resources, or at the very least, alleviate the environmental degradation, humanity itself will not be able survive in the succeeding years.

    The environmental aspect of sustainability might be the most important of the three pillars. It is the most easily affected, even with simple means, and in turn affects the other aspects. Economic demands have a more obvious effect on todays circumstances its problems and needs are easier to detect and be attended to, but it is heavily affected by the supply of resources found in nature, so it is best to start caring for the environment in order to have balance. Many people have helped pioneer several movements to support the improvement of proper waste management and its effects on humanity.

    Joel Makower for example, who is known as the guru of green business practices, is a strategist to help corporations curb infamous environmental practices with sustainable products and services. He has helped companies such as Hewlett Packard, Levi Strauss, Nike, Procter  Gamble and Gap be more aware of how they can contribute to the sustainability of the environment. These big companies will have made a huge difference in producing less of unusable waste with efficient measures. Another environmentalist-entrepreneur is Paul Hawken, who also provides consultation for governments and corporations on industrial ecology and environmental policy. He has also published books to make information about sustainability available to the public. Simon Dressner is another figure to be noted for his work on providing research projects on social responses to ecological tax reform policies, and he is also currently working on ways to make environmental taxes be taken more seriously. Aldo Leopold has a foundation to his name and is considered as the father of wildlife management and he and his family conducted their own ecological restoration of experiment by planting thousands of pine trees and restoring prairies in a worn out farm as they documented the change in flora and fauna in the following months. The foundation strives to further improve the state of the worn-out farm the Leopold family has performed their revolutionary experiment. There is also Rachel Carson, a marine biologist whose work and writings (especially on the dangers of synthetic pesticides) helped advance the global environment movement through the creation of the EPA or Environmental Protection Agency.    

    In short, there have many people and many efforts to help sustain the environment. While we may not be available to actively participate in these various movements, we can always just help in our own little way by disposing of our garbage properly. Our protection of the environment simply by waste management will be beneficial to economies too, because there will be more organic materials to use for products, and this will be better for humanity.

Personal waste services, like the WSI, are available to help us management services that are both efficient, cost-effective and ultimately help the environment. They require some personal information that will be of use while making a custom-made program for every specific individual that will fit ones waste management needs.

However, if we cannot avail of these services too, we can always do similar methods in order to contribute to the sustainability of our planet. Simple ways of segregating trash, utilizing reusable containers, and generally being conscious of the products and activities we use and do can do our planet a lot of good and will be of use to us in the long run. We cannot simply rely on individuals to work on the sustainability of the environment. With our own little ways we will be able to make a difference.


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