The significance of quality in the office

Quality is the continuing practice of building and supporting relationships by reviewing, expecting, and fulfilling stated and implied needs. It is otherwise defined as the clients perception of the value of your product or service.In simple terms, a product or process that is reliable, and that performs its intended function is a quality product. These definitions make it clear that quality is a perception that exists or is created in the customers mind. Quality is therefore of paramount importance to get and retain customers and to benchmark the standards of quality against the best in the industry. Quality is both important to internal and external customers of any organization and so is the case for Commercial Bank of Qatar. As mentioned above quality is a perception hence we need to understand our external customers and their priorities. Factors such as level of service ways of communicating and the importance we show towards our external customers develops a level of trust and establishes a standard of quality. A standard for quality to our external customer could be the facts that how close are our products and our services to their expected products and services. In the same way quality towards internal customers establishes long term commitment, employee retention and level of quality that our employees provide to the external customers. One of the major factors for maintaining high quality for internal customer is how well your human resource department understands your employees. The work environment, your organizational policies, work place ethics, pay scales and benefits to your employees sets the tone of quality for the internal customers. 

Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management (TQM) is an idea that incorporates all organizational functions such as, finance, engineering, production, customer service, marketing, design etcetera to center on meeting organizational objectives and customer needs. TQM sanctions the Total organization, from the tactical manager to the CEO, with the duty of ensuring certain Quality in their respective products and services, and management of their processes through the suitable process improvement controls. TQM aims to go beyond Meeting customer requirements and their usual understanding of it serves the needs with respect to products, processes or services that are instrumental to the organization. TQM should operate throughout the whole organization.

The difference between design quality and process quality standards
Design quality refers to the effectiveness of the design of product in fulfilling the actual need that can be transformed into a finished good in a production process. Design quality standards are therefore based on technical and business requirements of the product itself. Process quality standards are based on a different approach not related to product technicalities. Process quality standards result from a designed policy that makes certain all resources will be able to produce defect free work3. These processes encompass all the systems in the organization and are closely interlinked with Total Quality Management discussed earlier.

Quality Systems at Commercial Bank of Qatar (My Organization)
Created in 1975, The Commercial Bank of Qatar is the first wholly owned private commercial bank in Qatar. It has been profitable in every year since its establishment. Such a feat is only possible if there are stringent quality maintenance systems in place. Commercial Bank of Qatar (CBQ) attempts to implement the philosophy of TQM. In this regard, every procedure is standardized to as much depth as possible. Standard Operating Procedures are constantly reviewed and improved by dedicated staff. Banking industry is in a state of rapid change and therefore reliance on standards brings forth the need to efficiently and effectively revise those standards to make them flexible to adapt to whatever directions macroeconomic conditions and competitive environment takes. One example of cost of quality identified at the Commercial Bank of Qatar or any other organization is the reworking of a balance sheet of a customer. Here cost of quality means the cost of not creating a balance sheet appropriately. This includes an unsatisfied customer which leads to a bad repo of the bank and the cost of reworking the balance sheet all over again. This single mistake can prove very costly as it can lead to several external customers shifting to some other bank. The two major quality standards set for the organization are the automated checking of a balance sheet for errors after it is completed by an employee. The second quality standard set in the bank is of an efficient procedure of processing a loan. This is enabled through a decision support system which provides the manager approving the loan on spot information required for granting a loan to the customer. This information includes data like the credit rating of the customer, the current account balance of the customer and etc. As mentioned in the two examples discussed above how the bank maintains its quality standards, Decision Support System and a Customer Relationship Management System is implemented in the organization. Both of these provide efficiency in operations of the bank which establishes a high quality standard through efficient and error less service. A central data base is connected to all the systems in the bank which stores data of all the operations from a single transaction to a loan approved every single operation is recorded through the Decision Support System and Customer Relationship Management System. All the regular operations that are conducted through out the month are recorded and stored in the central data base which is designed to match them to the standard procedures of the Bank and notify of any error spontaneously in real time. This helps the Bank in realizing any error on the spot which not only saves time but also makes sure the customer gets the correct result of their query.

Practical steps to improve Quality
My role at CBQ is to manage the retail branch, driving branch sales targets, ensuring high quality of customer service by monitoring the efficiency and accuracy of internal processes, owning the sales process, and developing branch staff capabilities, while providing quality in service efficiently that comply with Islamic Sharia requirements, where risks are well controlled. Management of manpower in an efficient manner is also my responsibility.

As a branch manager, I believe that CBQ can improve the efficiency of decision making quality by empowering the branch managers. This can be achieved by letting them offer flexibility of products and services tailored to each customers needs. Branch managers develop a relationship with the clients and therefore quality of service can be improved by greater participation of managers in products development.

Secondly, quality of service can be improved by focusing more on Key Performance Indicators (KPI). KPIs inform about which areas need more resource investment and attention. Increase in deposits may not necessarily translate into increase in customer satisfaction and thus profitability. KPIs reveal the blockades in resource mobilization. A focus by the strategic management in this area will ultimately translate in improved quality

Contemporary environmental issue

Thesis statement the developing nations should not be allowed to purchase the right of producing excess green house gases from the developing nations.

The impact of industrialization on the two major global environmental phenomena that is climate change and global warming. 

Debate emanating from increased emission of green house gases by the developed nations. The debate is mainly focused on whether the developed nations should be allowed to purchase emission rights from the developing nations so that they can be allowed to produce more of the green house gases.

Arguments against buying of carbon rights
Opposing arguments in the debate of allowing the developed nations to purchase the rights of purchasing the rights of producing the green house gases from the nations that produce less of these gases.

These arguments are mainly based on the premise of increased emission of green house gases should the developed nations be allowed to compensate the developing nations.

Arguments for buying of carbon rights

These are arguments supporting the purchasing of the green house gases emission rights by the developed nations from the developing ones.

These arguments mainly derive their strength from the enhanced capacity of the developing nations to deal with the impacts of global warming and climate change using the funds obtained from the compensation.

a) This work concludes by appreciating the strengths and weaknesses of either side of the debate but concludes that the developed nations should not be allowed to purchase the rights of emitting green house gases from the poor developing nations. 

Increased industrialization has resulted to massive production of green houses gases, which have greatly contributed to one of the greatest phenomena that have been witnessed in worlds history. Climate change and global warming phenomena have both resulted from increased introduction of green house gases into the atmosphere mainly by the developed world. This has resulted into a heated debate of whether or not the countries producing excess green house gases should compensate those that are producing less of these gases. In this debate there are some who are arguing that it is not in order for these nations to compensate the less developed nations that are producing less green house gases .They argue that much efforts should not be aimed at compensating these nations but to actually reduce the amount of green house gases they are producing. On the other hand, there are those people who feel that maximum limits of green house gases should be established and therefore no country should be allowed to produce beyond this particular limit. However, if a country wishes to surpass the limit then it should look for a country that is under producing green house gases so that it can purchase the right to produce these gases on behalf of the country. Bearing in mind the menace that has been brought about by global warming and climate change, as well as the potential effects in future, the world policy makers should work towards reducing the total amount of green house gases that is produced and thus a limit should be set and no country should be allowed to purchase the right of another country (Flatt, 2009).

Arguments against buying of carbon rights
Up to date, there is virtually no single part of the world that has not suffered due to the effects of climate change and global warming. It does not matter the amount of money nations around the world are going to spend in order to deal with the effects of these two global phenomena, the world will continue suffering as long as the production of green house gases is not regulated. Establishing a limit for the production of green house gases, is basically the only way that can result into positive results in the fight against climate change and global warming. If the developed countries are allowed to purchase the rights of producing these gases from the poor developing nations then more of these gases will still be introduced into the atmosphere and hence the fight against the effects of these two phenomena will be far from being over (Mcelroy, 2001).

If the poor developing nations will be compensated by the wealthy developed nations and thus allow them to produce the amount of carbon which they themselves failed to produce, then they will in essence be subjecting them selves to the detrimental effects resulting from climate change. This means that despite the fact that they will have contributed to a very small extent to these global phenomena, they will suffer most from them. It is quite evident that the poor developing nations that produce less green house gases will suffer most from the effects of both climate change and global warming since they lack the capacity of addressing the challenges resulting from these phenomena. Furthermore, the limited funds in form of compensation from the developed nations are not sufficient to fully address the challenges posed by these major phenomena. Therefore, as long as the developing nations are concerned, it is much more cost effective for them not to be compensated by these nations and hence allow them to produce more of these gases than to allow these nations to produce more of the green house gases and then suffer the effects of climate change and global warming (Torres, 2008).

The effects of both climate change and global warming are enormous and take place in the long term. It is also not easy to determine the actual financial loss or any other forms of losses that result from these two phenomena. This therefore implies that the countries compensating others so that they can be granted the right of producing more of the green house gases will in most cases under compensate them. There is therefore no need for the countries that are producing less of these gases to be compensated since the compensation will be highly undervalued. They will therefore incur much loss as a result of the compensation compared to the one they are likely to suffer in absence of massive production of green house gases. The worlds policy makers should hence be more focused on reducing the overall production and introduction of the green house gases into the atmosphere. Such a move will greatly spare the entire globe from the great negative impacts that will result due to continued emission of these gases (Latham, 2009).

Climate change and global warming have resulted to very extreme weather conditions such as excessive rainfall resulting into floods, tropical cyclones, heat waves, droughts and eddy currents. Some of the weather conditions have resulted into the destruction of property as well as loss of lives and livestock. Infrastructure which is crucial to the development of any nation around the world has also been greatly destroyed by some of these extreme weather conditions especially excess rainfall and other forms of precipitation. By the world policy makers allowing countries to produce excess amounts of green house gases and later compensate those that produced less, will basically imply that these devastating effects will continue occurring every now and then. As a result, economic development around the world will be greatly hampered since a lot of resources will be employed towards curbing the effects of climate change and global warming as opposed to the employment of such resources to areas they can foster economic development (Glickman et al, 2003).

It has been predicted by climate scientists from allover the world that in future some parts of the world might experience conflicts emanating from climate change and global warming. Due to the phenomenon of global warming, the water that previously has existed in the solid state will melt and find its way into the oceans. This will result into a rise in the sea level, thus displacing millions of people living around the global oceans. The displaced population which will be condemned into refugee status by the rising water levels will be forced to move upland into already inhabited regions thus creating some conflicts. In order to avoid such conflicts in future, the world policy makers should ensure that less green house gases is produced by both the developing nations as well as the developed ones. However, if the countries that are highly industrialized are allowed to produce excess green house gases then such conflicts will be inevitable (Mcelroy, 2001). 

It is in no doubt that the current generation owes moral obligation to the future generations and hence it should not carry out its activities in unsustainable manner. The current generation should thus emit less of these gases that are bringing about a lot of havoc in the world and which are in fact expected to bring about even more devastating effects in the future. By allowing the current generation to produce excess green house gases and thus jeopardize the fate of future generations is morally unethical. The nations that are therefore producing excess gases should hence not be allowed to surpass their limit of green house gases production so that the future generations can get the chance of living in an environment that is less polluted and also suffer less from the effects of climate change and global warming (Flatt, 2009). 

Arguments for buying of carbon rights
If the nations that are producing excess green house gases are given a chance of compensating those countries that are producing less of these gases, then these nations will have additional resources for combating the effects of the two devastating phenomena. Funds obtained as compensation can be used directly in addressing the major problems resulting from both climate change and global warming. Due to global warming and climate change, a lot of destruction usually takes place at times and therefore these funds can be of great assistance to the nations with less capacity in dealing comprehensively with the effects emanating from these two great challenges. This therefore means that these nations will be at a better position of preventing massive loss of property and lives that are usually brought about by these two phenomena. There is therefore need to allow these nations to be compensated by the ones that are producing more of the green house gases (Torres, 2008). 

One of the major ways through which the effects of global warming and climate change can be addressed by the developing nations that are producing less green house gases is by creating more carbon sink. Carbon dioxide is the main green house gas that is introduced into the atmosphere. Its proportion in the atmosphere can however be reduced by creating a carbon sink. This can be done by planting as many trees as possible together with other green plants that utilize the carbon dioxide gas in the process of photosynthesis. However, the exercise of creating a carbon sink in a country requires a lot of political will from the government since a lot of resources are required. Most of the developing nations that produce less of these gases lack the funds required to create an adequate carbon sink in their nations. Therefore, if the developed nations are given the opportunity of compensating these nations, then they can use such funds in creating a carbon sink that can be very essential in mitigating the impacts of both climate change and global warming. This is so because there are no physical boundaries for the green house gases and thus they can be produced in one region and sunk in another (Flatt, 2009). 

It is widely argued by various scientists that the effects of global warming and climate change can only be dealt best through adaptation to the resulting changes. This requires that governments allover the world implement policies that will enable their populations to adapt in fast to these changes. It is however not easy for governments in the developing world to facilitate their populations in the process of adaptation since it requires huge amounts of funds. It would therefore be very appropriate for the worlds policy makers to allow the wealthy more developed nations to compensate the poor developing nations for the excess green house gases they have produced that ought to have been produced by the developing nations. In turn, the developing nations can use such funds in assisting their populations to adapt to the changes resulting from climate change and global warming (Mcelroy, 2001). 

From the above discussion it is quite clear that both climate change and global warming are responsible for bringing about a lot of devastating effects across the world. A solution therefore needs to be looked for urgently so that the world can be spared from these impacts that have brought about massive losses of property and lives. The best way of dealing with climate change and global warming is by reducing the gases that are produced globally. This cannot be achieved through compensating the developing nations that are producing less of these gases and therefore any such move will not be of much help in dealing with the problem at hand. Instead of compelling the developed nations to compensate the less developed ones, policies should be made and implemented that are aimed at ensuring that these nations cut down on their emissions of green house gases. Such a move will greatly help in saving the entire world from the devastating effects of the two phenomena the world will also be compelled to look for new energy sources apart from the fossil fuels which will ensure that developments are carried out in a sustainable manner.

Protecting Endangered Species More Effort Needed

    There has always been life on Earth ever since man could remember. Species come and go. Dinosaurs have gone extinct, giving birth to evolved life forms. Because of the changes in the environment, it cannot be helped that animals like dinosaurs are now gone, especially because during their existence, man was not there to figure out ways to save them from extinction. The question now is this should we do more to save endangered species The answer is yes. Every life form on this planet has a value, be it ecological, aesthetic, commercial, agricultural or medicinal. Species exist because they help humans in one way or another. We should do more to save endangered species because the next generations to come will benefit from their value.   

As the saying goes, no man is an island. No one can live in a hollow area where nothing but himself exists. Living in a vacuum is not possible. In this world, plants and animals coexist with each other. It is because of this coexistence how every organism thrives. The biosphere is a network governed by the balance of nature. Various ecosystems can be found in the biosphere, which houses different interrelationships between animals, plants, and their surroundings. Everything is connected to everything else. The biosphere is composed of different connections formed between organisms. There is a chain. There is a complex. Once a species is taken away from the chain, it can cause the death or extinction of 30 other species. The government has already addressed this problem. In the Endangered Species Act of 1973, it was officially recognized that plants and animals are slowly going extinct. It is because of these types of policies why we are urged to take action and prevent the extinction of endangered species (United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment 10).

    According to this Act, these endangered species are very significant in the peoples lives. They have scientific, medical, recreational, aesthetic, educational, ecological and historical value.  They help breathe life into the tourism industry. Also, they contribute revenue and improve the economic condition of a country. In this Act, the government was able to effectively explain the points of ecologists and conservationists on why we should do more to save these endangered species (United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment 10).

    The sad part is that we cannot blame natural processes anymore for the disappearance of certain creatures. Biologists can tell that pollution, environmental degradation and extinction of species can all be attributed to the activities of humans. We are doing so much to harm our environment. Conservation efforts are there. People participate in making sure that extinction of endangered species is prevented. The problem, however, is that there are still millions of people who do not care about this. Mankind still exploits the environment.

People cut trees, use dynamite for fishing, burn forests and disturb marine life. They fill the air with smoke, dump garbage into the waters, and litter on the streets. Because of these human activities, it is then imperative that we should do more to save endangered species.
Why Save Endangered Species

Medical Benefits
We should first take a look at the medical benefits endangered species offer to humans. Endangered species, be they plants or animals, contribute to various important medications. We can go to a drugstore and buy any prescribed drug and we will find out, upon seeing what the drug is made of, that it contains natural compounds which can be found only in specific species.

Each organism has a reservoir of useful material which we cannot recreate or reproduce. These materials evolve, and when lost, can never be duplicated. Some materials are unique only to a specific species. We should never underestimate the power of every living organism because they contribute to human life. For example, the biggest breakthrough in medicine, which is the invention of penicillin, was made possible because of a fungus. Penicillin came from fungus  penicillin which is treating a lot of many sick people these days (Liebesan, Petersan and the Environmental Law Institute 68).

    The purple foxglove is endangered today. It is an ingredient to digitalis, a medicine for those who are suffering from heart disease. In the United States, more than 3 million people suffer from it. They can die immediately from cardiac arrest if they are not given this medicine (Liebesan, Petersan and the Environmental Law Institute 68).

    Another endangered plant is the Pacific yew, a tree that grows very slowly in the Pacific Northwest. In history, the Pacific yew was considered a tree with no value. In fact, people burned all remaining trees after cutting the forests. Recently, medicine experts have found out that a treatment for breast and ovarian cancer can be extracted from it and is called taxol (Liebesan, Petersan and the Environmental Law Institute 68).

    Therefore, endangered species serve two major purposes for humans. One, endangered species contribute a lot in saving the lives of the people. They are being used as components of the most important medicines that we can take. They help in the healing of our diseases. They treat our pains and alleviate our discomforts.  Second, endangered species contribute to the economy. Without the medicines made from these species, there would be no medicines to be sold. The pharmaceutical industry will fold down. Species contribute to more than 40 billion every year to the industry. Because of this, it is safe to say that these species, endangered or not, are the lifeline of one of the most important industries in the world the pharmaceutical industry that saves the sick (Liebesan, Petersan and the Environmental Law Institute 68).

Agricultural Benefits
Endangered species also help in agriculture. Ninety percent of our food is from plants. We eat corn, wheat, fruits and vegetables. Among all the 80,000 plant species known to man, all of which we can safely eat, we are only using 20 species. Little do people know that there are relatives of these species that grow in the wild which provide ingredients that help us resist diseases (Mangun 98).

     Aside from that, species also give humans a new means of developing new crops which can thrive in lands suffering from drought and unhealthy soil. Because of this, endangered species are contributors to the solution of hunger. If all species of plants are used up, then world hunger may be solved. If we stop the loss and save the endangered species, then hunger problem will be alleviated.

    In fact, in the 1970s, species of corn unique to Mexico was discovered to be an ingredient to prevent fungi growth in leaves. Fifteen percent of the corn crop in the United States died because of pest leaf fungi. The continuous use of this ingredient will then help in more corn crops that feed millions of people worldwide (Mangun 98).

Ecological Benefits
Ecosystems become healthy because of plants and animals. To ensure a healthy environment, air needs to be clean and bodies of water need to be pollution-free. Plants and animals contribute to the purification of humans environment. They also feed humans.

    An implication of the worsening condition of endangered species is that there is a failure in the ecosystem. According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, if one plant species is lost, 30 other species are most likely going to suffer extinction, too. These species are not limited to plant species, but animal and insect species as well (Chiras 72).

    An owl in the Pacific Northwest is endangered, which is a clear sign of the declining condition of the ecosystem. It was in 1990 when it was officially announced that the owl in this part the world is endangered. It is a sign that the environment in the Pacific Northwest has low quality and the living conditions was not favorable to the said species. The forests in the Pacific Northwest shelter a hundred other species that rely solely on old growth. Today, because companies could not sustain what they are taking away from the forest, all the other hundred species in danger, too. Unsustainable development is clearly not practiced in the Pacific Northwest (Chiras 72).

The Florida Keys in Florida is home to the richest corals in the world. However, the corals are dying because of water pollution. Because of the death of these corals, various species of fish are losing their home. The tourism industry in Florida is being threatened at this moment because of this. The tourism of Florida depends on their beaches and the activities people can do in the waters. Dying corals and the absences of fish is not attractive to tourists. The tourism industry of Florida is giving the state millions of dollars a year. It is helping the lives of millions of Americans (Chiras 72).
Everyone should also be reminded that endangered species are environmental monitors. They tell us how our environment is doing. Species of falcons and eagles are at the brink of extinction. If these species are gone, then it is a sure sign that we are being warned of the negative effects of a pesticide called DDT which harm the aforementioned species. Air pollutants like sulfur dioxide and excess ozone also damage the health of endangered species. When the eastern white pine was said to be endangered, it was a sign that there was too much air pollution in the area. It is because of these species how we have become aware of the effects of our own doing (Chiras 78).
Commercial Benefits
Several species are raised commercially. It means that these wild species contribute directly to economic progress of countries, be it regional or local. In the Pacific Northwest, tourists usually flock the area because of activities like salmon fishing. Tourism is made possible because of the sea and the schools of fish, specifically salmon. Because o this, 60,000 people are given jobs. This area is also the center of the culture of Native America (Diamantis 317).

The problem the Pacific Northwest is confronted today is the loss of salmons. Overgrazing. Clearcutting and degradation of habitat is basically the reason why the salmons in this area are being endangered. Dams also contribute to the increasing risk the salmons and the industry in general are facing (Diamantis 317). 

    In the United States, 10,000 jobs are given to people because of freshwater mussels. These creatures, when harvested, are used to trigger the formation of pearls in oysters. The economy of the United States gets 700 million from these freshwater mussels every year. However, freshwater mussels are at present endangered in North America (Diamantis 317).

    Many industries these days benefit from wild plants. The guayule, for example, is rich in useful substances like natural rubber, among many others. The guayule is among the shrubs that are going extinct today. The jojoba is another plant species that is endangered. It is very helpful in the production of oil that industries use. It has the same quality of oil that we get from the sperm whale, which is also at the risk of extinction at the present (Diamantis 317).

The guayule and jojoba are both unique to the southwestern part of America. Both plants are big contributors to the economy of the country. Also, they provide value to the soil that is no longer fit for agriculture. These two plants, among many other endangered plant species, are available locally, which makes it easier for the people to make use of the product. If not, they have to purchase imported products, which are usually more expensive (Diamantis 317).

AestheticRecreational Benefits
Tourism is very highly dependent on the ecosystem, and everything that can be found in it, specifically plants and animals. Plant and animal species improve the quality of life of the people. They provide recreation for humans to have fun. Plant and animal species have a spiritual value as well.

    Recreation is best enjoyed when views are lovely, the machines are properly working, and basically when there is something nice to see. Wildlife-related recreation is very popular these days. Photographers take time out of their busy schedule to take photos of unique plants and beautiful animals. Kids enjoy feeding the animals they see for the first time. Adults feel refreshed by just observing different life forms enjoy their habitats.

    In the United States alone, people spend a big chunk of their money just to travel. In fact, around 59 billion is spent on tourism-related activities like dining, gadgets, accommodations, plane tickets and travel in general. Such amount is spent just to engage in wildlife-related recreation (Diamantis 317).

Endangered species are usually the type of species that are capable of attracting tourists. If they completely get lost, then one of the main reasons why people travel is lost, too. If this happens, the economic and specially the tourism industry will definitely suffer.

What Other People Say
    Some people may argue that because endangered species are environmental monitors, then it cannot be helped that we have to sacrifice a species or two to know what is going on around the environment. Obviously, this is a wrong mentality. It is inconsiderate, bordering on ridiculous.

    Endangered species are here to indicate the quality of our surroundings. It is not an intelligent idea for mankind to wait until something bad happens, before we do something. It is not enough for us to wait until animals and plants tell us that something is wrong. It is not good to wait until some species go extinct.

    It is best to maintain a healthy environment by doing our part to save the endangered, clean the polluted, prevent usage of the dangerous and stop people of more wrong doings. It is best do to our own part to maintain a healthy environment for the future generations to come, until no sign at all is shown to indicate that something is wrong.

    Also, it may also be argued that extinction cannot be helped because it is a work of nature. The changing world and the evolution of the environment are constantly calling for the survival of the fittest. With this, it is natural for other species to go extinct as this is nothing but a natural process.

    Humans destroy habitats due to pollution or urbanization. We poison animals, harvest them in great numbers, and kill them. Because of these types of activities, endangered species like the West Indian manatee, loggerhead sea turtle, American crocodile are now almost complete gone.

    The problem here, then, is that we can no longer blame the work of nature for the extinction of hundreds of species. Today, the idea that extinction is natural, no longer applies. At present, we can only blame mankind for the extinction of plants and animals. We are fast-forwarding the extinction which may possibly happen in a billion years.

    Over and above all these, it can now be concluded that we should indeed do more to save our endangered species because we benefit from them from the value they contribute to ecotourism, agriculture, industries, recreation, medicine and to our environment in general.

    Since we can no longer attribute these events to nature, we should take every step to save the endangered species. If not, there might not be an environment our future generations will enjoy. We all want our children and our childrens children to fully enjoy the benefits of a healthy environment. We want them to breathe fresh air, swim in clean bodies of water, and play with many types of animals. We want them to enjoy life to the fullest. Because of this, here are some of the things we can do to help save our endangered species.

    First, we should conserve habitats. Where do plants and animals thrive and live peacefully Not in our human homes, but in their natural habitats. They live in the wild, in nature reserves and in natural parks. They live most peacefully without humans around. Let us give them their space and not take them away from their homes
(Catudo and Bruchac 243).

    We can also inquire about how to protect the species habitats. In every country, there is always a nature reserve or a national park to check out. We can bring kids with us for guided tours and then ask the rangers about endangered animals and plants. These rangers know most about species. They can tell us what species are being threatened right now. Also, it is possible to ask these rangers to allow us to take part in their conservation work. They will surely be glad to have us in (Catudo and Bruchac 243).

    We should also be more aware of the different codes inside a national park. Usually these codes tell you to throw your trash in the garbage bin, to not touch the animals or plants, not pick the flowers, not bring our dogs and other domesticated pets in the park and obey fire regulations. Sometimes, these codes just remind us to use our common sense and encourage us to be nice. It is never difficult to follow wildlife codes. (Catudo and Bruchac 243).

    For those who know someone who live on farms, tell them to stop cutting trees, especially the old ones. Old trees are very useful in such a way that they can house animals, let alone the birds nest. Patches of bush are also very useful as these can be used as habitats of species. We need not go too far to protect the habitats of species. We can do something even when we just stay at home (Catudo and Bruchac 243).

Join groups that focus on nature reserves and land. Basically, what these groups do is replace pests like weeds with native plants. Also, these groups clean the environment by removing weeds and rubbish from the soil. The native plant species are then given leeway to regenerate. This way, even the animals that left because of fear may come back because they will find out that the environment is slowly being once again an ideal place for them. If we cannot find a group like this in our area, we can always start our own group with our family, our neighbors, and our friends. For more information, we can always ask the authority to guide us in what we do (Miller, Brewer and Spoolman 207).

        We can also help save endangered species not just by giving, but also by making space to plants and animals. Aside from conserving their habitat, we can create new ones for them. What we can do is to create a birdbath and a birdfeeder for birds. We can create a birdhouse in our front yard as long we have a tree. If not, we can plant a new tree. We can also ask adults around, and we can start within our family, to stop using chemicals in the garden (Miller, Brewer and Spoolman 207).
Also, composting is a very easy task. We can do this in our own homes. We can comport on the balcony. We can do this in the backyard. With this, we can throw away fertilizers, especially those with too much chemicals, as they are bad for the environment, especially to plants and animals. Recycling is also a very important part of protecting the environment. We can also recycle our trash and reuse the things that we do not really need to throw away. We can save the environment in our own little ways. We can start taking public transportation. By commuting from home to school or office, we are saving gas and contributing to a cleaner air. It is best to use a bicycle if our destination is not that far. The car emits too many pollutants to the air (Miller, Brewer and Spoolman 207).

    Sometimes, we forget to turn off our appliances when we leave for school or office. We should always make sure that television sets or computers are turned off before we live the house. All lights should be switched off. This way, we are saving energy. On the other hand, we can save water by turning off the faucet when brushing our teeth. It is best to use a glass of water while doing this so that we can make sure that the tap is not opened (Singer 139).

    Our parents can help protect the environment and save endangered species by not using packaging. If they can carry the items from the grocery, then there is no need to ask for a paper bag or a plastic bag. We can use our own bag to the shop which we can use everytime we shop to avoid using too much plastic and paper which contribute to excessive garbage. Also, as we grow old, we start finding our old books and clothes useless. Our clothes are too small and books and toys are no longer entertaining. We should not throw them away as they contribute to excessive garbage. After all, our trash is other peoples treasure. We can donate them to charity or to hospitals because a lot of less fortunate children need them. Aside from helping endangered species get their lives back, we are helping our fellow human beings, too.

    In the United States, there are several programs that are focused on the protection of plants and animals, particularly the rare ones. It will help to contact the state department because they know what species are endangered in our area. We can also ask the authorities to guide us and teach us about what we can do to help conserve the environment, and what measures we can take to save rare plants and animal from extinction (Singer 139).

    Also, Americans are lucky for the almost 400 national wildlife refuges all over the United States. Here we can find environmental science specialists who can help us with our inquiries about the environment. They also tell us what rare species are near our area. They tell us what they need to help them survive. They tell us the ways to which we can help them. They teach us management. There are programs these days that are open to volunteers in cleaning the environment, among many other activities (Singer 139).

    For those who are fond of buying plants or pets, we should make sure that what we are buying is not the rare type. Exotic plants or animals are not just in danger of extinction, they are also not easy to maintain and keep. These species are the type of species that easily die. We should just return them to their natural habitats so that they can naturally thrive with other organisms (MacKay 27).

If we continue protecting our environment, we are also continuously protecting the ability of our environment to operate as expected. If ecosystems no longer work as logically as it normally does, then we humans are going to pay for it, in forms of floods, extinction of species, drought, food shortages and billions of dollars. If we want to replace what is lost, we are going to pay for it in amounts we could never imagine we would have to spend (MacKay 27).

    As mentioned in the early part of this study, once a species is lost, other species are put in danger, too. Because everything is connected to everything else, taking away a part of it will cause a chain reaction that will endanger the lives of many others. Because of this, the message is very clear. We should do everything in our power to conserve the diversity of our ecosystems to keep everyone living and existing in this world. In this paper, we kept on saying that we should conserve the environment to ensure biological diversity. Why is biological diversity even very important The earliest humans have relied on food from plants and animals. The clothes we wear come from plants and animals. Our houses, our schools, our office buildings and our shopping malls  they are all there because of trees. We have medicines for the sick because plants and animals are giving them to us. Everything that we human beings are using today comes from plants and animals (National Research Council, Committee on Scientific Issues in the Endangered Species Act 72).

    It is safe to say that we should save our endangered species to make sure that our lifestyle is maintained. We should protect plants, especially trees, so that we can erect more buildings and build more houses. We should protect plants so that we can sew more clothes and reinvent fashion as many times as we want it.
We should save plants and animals so that we can keep cooking our favorite dishes, and so that we can experiment some more. We should save plants and animals so that we can keep producing medicines for the sick.

    Then again, there is a more important point of protecting endangered species. We can never be sure if we have named all species on Earth. Some of them are yet to be discovered. Some of them might bring breakthroughs in medicine our tourism. It would be a shame to lose them before we find out about them.

Plate Tectonics Effect in Ural Mountains

    The present geological condition of the Earth is a result of continuous movement and alterations in most land mass eventually leading to different types of land formations and fossil foundation. One of the most acceptable theories that agree to these changes is the Plate Tectonics Theory as it defines the movement and other related motions occurring on larger parts of the Earths lithosphere. These movements have somehow been vital in affecting the existence of life on earth due to its ability to change most of the Earths physical layers. The Plate Tectonics Theory states that the Earth is divided into major tectonic plates and these plates, when creating a motion in the form of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, land and ocean trench formation, create either a convergent or a collisional boundary (Lutgens et al, 2002).

    This theory helped explain the existence of fossilized marine life in the Ural Mountains in Australia. As part of a greater land mass, the Pangaea, Australia has continuously created a massive motion, which includes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. These volcanic activities and land formation have embedded most forms of life making some of them extinct (Butler, 2001).

    In the case of earthquakes however, seismic motions triggers the creating of waves that are manifested through shaking and movements. When geological faults are ruptured, earthquake occurs. The initial rupture is usually the focus and in continuous movements creates a number of foci. Some foci sends strong motion waves that are then felt above the ground level also known as the epicenter that is directly above the foci (NASA, 2005).

    Moreover, some faults that are experiencing an inactive creep or crawling movement can be considered safe. However, as these creates a relatively consistent yet minor movements, dangers are still eminent as these may still contribute on the overall land structure and formation, thereby increasing the chances of progressing into a much stronger types of movement (Butler, 2001).

Application for Graduate Program in Environmental Science

I hereby submit my application for the aforementioned graduate program.

I am interested in environmental issues and have been involved in numerous environmental conservation and preservation projects in my community.

I have gained valuable information on environmental issues from these projects and training sessions that have enabled me to sensitize my community on importance and ways of conserving the environment.

The fact that more than 15 million hectares of tropical forest are destroyed every year thereby emitting millions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere reveals that environmental matters are not given the priority they deserve. Tropical forests are disappearing at a rate of 5 every decade as a result of agricultural, timber, and road expansion. And by 2050, the Amazon in Brazil will be gone. 
Forests are the most significant carbon reservoir, playing an invaluable role in curbing greenhouse gas emissions and they contain more than 75 of all carbon stored in vegetation.If not addressed, this over exploitation of forests will cause untold suffering to the entire human populace.

The challenging experiences and awareness of complexities involved in environmental matters have resulted in my desire to enroll in this program to increase my knowledge in this field, continue my academic endeavors, and make important contacts that will help me advance my course in future.
I would like the opportunity to combine my experiences with the theoretical background available in the Environmental Applied Science and Management program at Ryerson University.

I have chosen to enroll in your university program because your institution is certified and recognized not only in Canada but in the world as a leading institution offering environmental courses. My desire to join your institution is also informed by the fact that your program combines scholarship, research, creativity, innovation and critical analysis. 

Additionally, your graduate programs provide excellent academic experience and include a high degree of interaction among faculty members and graduate students.

With the necessary expertise that I will gain from your program, I intend to raise awareness on environmental issues on national and international levels. As witnessed in the recently concluded Climate Change conference in Copenhagen, this phenomenon poses serious risks to the world particularly the developing countries yet enough measures have not been put in place to reverse this trend.   Even after the long awaited Copenhagen talks ended, the commitment of the developed world in combating this phenomenon remains is in doubt. Although the conference resolved to keep the maximum temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius USD 30 billion short-term funding for immediate action till 2012 and USD 100 billion annually by 2020 in long-term financing the challenge of translating these resolutions into legally binding agreement remains a challenge. The USA government stand on Kyoto protocol adduces evidence.

I look forward to joining your esteemed university.    

Exploration of Solar Energy

1. The article, Payback and other financial tests for solar electric systems, describes several government incentive programs to help promote solar. Identify and describe two government incentive programs.

    There are two government incentive programs for solar these are the regulatory and cash incentives. The regulatory forms of incentives come in the form of electric rate-based savings meaning, those who use solar as energy source have lower electricity rate compared to the conventional users. On the other hand, cash incentives come in the form of tax savings and benefits.

2. What are two methods of pricing electricity per kWh
    The two methods of pricing electricity per kWh are Flat Rate Tariff Systems and Time of Use rate (TOU). Flat Rate Tariff Systems charge the same rate any time of the day while TOU charges a higher rate during peak demand.

3. How is Compound Annual Rate of Return (CARR) on an investment another term for interest rate
    CARR on an investment is another term for interest rate because it is computed using the same formula as the interest rate. It is the rate of yield from tax incentives.

4. How does one calculate the payback of solar investment
    To calculate the payback of a solar investment, it is necessary to add in the rate of escalation adjusted savings of each successive year, less the reduction due to module degradation and maintenance costs.

5. Describe two flaws in using payback for a residential long-term investment.
    The two flaws in using payback for a residential long-term investment are the following
It does not properly include the tax savings and consequences.
It does not account for maintenance or inverter replacement expenses.

6. Identify three sales strategies when selling solar photovoltaic systems. What makes these three sales strategies effective
The three sales strategies when selling photovoltaic systems are the following
Knowing the cost of installation.
Each member of the sales team must know the cost of installation, including all of the different fees and charges, so that he or she can explain the cost to the customer. When the customer understands the cost of what he is purchasing, the chance of buying it is greater.
Presentation of rebates, incentives and tax credits.
Salespeople must be able to present information on rebates, incentives, and tax credits to the customer. These can significantly reduce initial installation costs. This way, the customer will feel that he is on the advantage side and that he is privileged to have numerous discounts.
Demonstration of savings.
A professional salesperson must be able to demonstrate the savings involved with a solar PV system. This is when he may discuss with the customer the advantages and benefits of PV technology. This is very vital because savings is one primary concern of consumers why they buy a product. Thus, if the salesperson effectively demonstrated that his product is better that what is currently being used by the customer, success is at hand.
7. What is Internal Rate of Return
    The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) compares the investment in solar energy to the investments and includes factors such as after-tax dollars versus pre-tax dollars.
8. Prepare a return on investment analysis for a solar PV system at your residence. Based on a cost of 40,200 for the solar PV system being installed at your residence, and a new monthly electric bill of 15, determine the following
Average monthly electric bill pre-solar     35
Calculate the monthly savings.
(Average monthly electric bill pre-solar)  (Average monthly electric bill w solar)
 35 -  15   20  (  monthly savings
Calculate the annual savings.
     20  12   240 ( annual savings
Determine the amount of time it will take to obtain return on investment.
(Cost of PV system installation)  (Annual savings)  Years to obtain return on investment
 40, 200   240  167.5 years (  of years it will take to obtain return on investment

1. Comment on the following Knowledge of environmental concepts will help conclude your PV system sale.
    Knowledge of environmental concepts will definitely help conclude your PV system sale because you will use it to justify the necessity of your product. The advantages and benefits of PV system rely on its ability to address environmental issues. As a matter of fact, the very reason of the creation of PV systems is the quest for alternative source of energy geared towards environmental and economical reward.

2. Why solar PV systems will enhance the resale value of real estate
    Solar PV systems will enhance the resale value of real estate because the next owners will not have to spend much on electricity and most importantly, the benefits of PV systems are laid out for them. There is no need for the next owners of the real estate to spend for the installation of the system and the processing of the necessary permits and papers. Hence, the resale value of the real estate really increases

3. Discuss the most important elements of customer presentation report on PV systems.
    Savings analysis, investment returns and environmental benefits are the most important elements of customer presentation report on PV systems. With these three elements incorporated and working hand in hand, customer presentation report will definitely become excellent and enticing to customers and the entire public. For example, savings analysis will show the economical advantage of using PV systems. Showing how a PV technology user will save up on his current expenses will surely attract new customers. Furthermore, the investment returns will demonstrate technically how PV technology is an advantage economically in the long term. All the aforementioned important elements will make a customer presentation report efficient and sales are guaranteed.

Compressed Gas Leak

    It is very important to know the things to be done during unintentional leakage or release of flammable and toxic gas as such it is a great threat to everyones life.

    In case this incident would happen, the first thing to be done is evacuate the area so that there would be less threat on the inhalation of the toxic gas. The best PPE for this kind of accident must be gas mask and protective clothing so that there would be protection on inhalation and explosion. Since these things are most likely not available during accidents, you should limit exposure to the area of accident as such inhalation and explosion may occur. The suggested radius of isolation for Zone B compressed poisonous and flammable gas is 30 m or 100 ft in all the directions. This will make sure that inhalation of the poisonous gas will be highly eliminated. Likewise, the best thing to do is to ask the help of the authorities by calling 911. It is likewise important to tell them about what you know on the basic information about the gas so that the authorities will have the idea on what to do first.    

    Next, you may ask the help of other people to inform everybody about the incident so that they may also take precautionary measures. It is important to avoid any activity that will make the flammable and toxic gas explode like igniting fire, smoking and the like. Informing the passers by can really help avoid other problems that might arise regarding the accident.  

    When the authorities arrive, it will be helpful to offer your assistance like explaining what happened to the incident, giving initial background about the accidentally released toxic and flammable gas and others that would help save not only human lives but also the environment and other living things. 

    With regards to the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), the most pressing concern for the leaking and releasing of this kind of hazardous chemical is the respiratory system. Hence, the kind of PPE should be respiratory protection. Everyone should wear gas mask so that inhalation will be prevented. Poisonous gas is very dangerous to be inhaled by the people.

    If inhalation occurs, there should be immediate removal of the victims from the chemical exposure. It is very important that everyone is evacuated very far from the hazardous chemical as such gas can immerse quickly in the air. If breathing becomes difficult, the victims should be given oxygen. Ventilate the confined area if possible to avoid other incidents.
The economic downturn in the year 2008 changed the economic, political and financial landscape of the world and it affected all sectors of the economy and policy frameworks in different countries. The credit crunch was felt in all industries. Imbalances in trade drove stock prices overboard. Therefore, there was need to quickly and effectively analyze the trend before it hit rock bottom. Commentators and economic analysts had already predicted the recession that was already looming due to the housing bubble in America.

The global meltdown
The global economic downturn in 2008 was experienced in many developed and developing nations. Various financial stresses led to economic downturns encompassing the broader securities of banking and market systems of a number of advanced economies. The financial turmoil brought about by the banking sector distress was associated with severe episodes of stress that was centred mainly on securities and foreign exchange markets. Countries which had an arms length of monetary systems were more prone to the sharp contractions in the economic activities as their banking systems had greater procydicality of leverage.

The implications on the economy were huge and they led to the build up of financial imbalances in the economy and financial cycles sparking the global recession (Siegel, 2002). These business cycles influenced economic activities e.g. the growth of the GDP, employment rates and household incomes. This financial crisis was linked to uncontrolled and unsustainable lending practices that were not regulated or provided with security. This uncertain financial situation was made more complicated by the sharp rising costs of oil and food prices. Over-inflated prices of assets and other risky loans began to be exposed in the emergence of Sub-prime losses of loans in 2007.

This caused a major panic in the inter-bank loan market. In the United States, the deregulation combined with securitization of mortgages in real estate backed securities were hard to assess leading to a decline of share and housing prices in many large commercial and investment banks. These well established banks in Europe and the United States were suffering and facing bankruptcy and huge losses which resulted to massive public financial support. This resulted to a sharp rise of unemployment and a drop in international trade with a slump in commodity prices. Some of the conditions that were associated with the economic downturn were the characteristic exorbitant rise in prices of assets and the associated boom in financial demand. An economic downturn is fuelled when banks capital are eroded forcing them to be more reluctant in lending and thus forced to deleverage causing sharp economic downturns. The other area of analysis is the role of financial accelerators which varies with the type of economic system in the financial markets (Rajan, 2003). The economic crisis took many people by surprise as at that time, the U.S was making a booming business in the housing market.

Implications of the crisis
Most commentators and economists had predicted a collapse of the economy because there were public deficits and excessive money creation that led to negative household savings coupled with a huge US trade deficit. This saw a global explosion of prices in various commodities notably food and oil that caused a genuine panic. The economic damage threatened a reversal of globalisation and consequently stagflation. The housing bubble in many developed countries led to a worldwide rise in prices of houses and resulted in many owners to hold a negative equity. The global inflation also affected domestic inflation as there was speculation in price commodities, rising cost of imports and agriculture failure. Many countries tried to ease on monetary policies to tame the financial crisis.
The effects of this economic downturn affected the gross domestic products of many countries which were falling at an annualized pace. The capital investment was declining as the pace of residential collapse was picking up. There was a decline in domestic demand of commodities. The financial crisis affected trade and industrial production where the exporters could not acquire letters of credit because of the credit crunch affecting industrial production which was occurring in export-based economies.

Concerns were rising about tightening consumer spending that was prompting businesses to slow hiring and therefore limiting the wage increases which in turn was applying brakes to new consumer spending. Travel was also affected as it decreased because of the recession as a result of company travel policy changes, high airline prices and personal economics prompting many commuters to travel less for business which in turn prompted the hotels to respond by dropping their rates because of the downturn and negotiate deals for both tourists and business travellers. This crisis affected all countries in one way or another, but there were others who were vastly affected. The three factors that include currency devaluation, equity market and the sovereign bond indicated the financial devastation and captured the impact of the crisis. Some countries like Greece experienced civil unrest because of the political instability that was associated with the economic crisis. These unrests not only in Greece but around the globe could lead to great social upheavals or disrupted financial economies if there no urgent plan undertaken to change the trend.

Turn around Policies
Historically, it has been observed that a short term decline in economy is followed by a short term gain. The highs and lows observed over some period average to form the economic growth rate in various economic markets. There is need for constant re-assessment of situations and implications of different civil society interests also including the environment. Most economists think that a stimulus should be drawn when the economy recovers to draw a chart path of sustainable growth (Hendricks, 2008).  Many governments have responded to the market conditions which are tumultuous as to re-invigorate recovery plans in the economy by seeking to create and maintain jobs and in turn that will stimulate growth in the economy. The governments focus is to make interventions that will prop up those sectors viewed to be strategically important examples including the financial and automotive sectors. All these plans are geared towards the green stimulus package policy response not only to resolve short term financial problems but to act by embolding strategies that link economic recovery with long term economic recovery and environmental sustainability (Barbier, 2009). Also these packages are being recognised at a time when it is critical to respond to climatic changes in particular to ensure the opportunity that will be taken to support low carbon economy transition. The stimulus also includes expanding broadband internet access to rural locations to spearhead the framework for rural development. Provisions for further additional funding for these global challenges which include water management, climate change mitigation and adaptation with biodiversity conservation are underway to the economic recovery plan.

Focussed growth
The current short-term plans to economic recovery are targeted to boost the economy but a more radical plan which calls for a fundamental and re-orientation of long-term global economy model that embeds firmly in environmental security combining with a strategy to generate wealth is needed. These mixes of policies are a case of the Green deal that seeks to alleviate financial collapse, depending on fossil fuels, degradation of environment, ecological and water scarcity that provide global challenges that are key at this time which require sustained, urgent and co-ordinated action. Policies in climate change should provide innovations to improve energy efficiency and in turn research and development in investment broadening its protection of ecosystems and alleviating poverty. This also promotes critique of contemporary capitalism which has aligned longer in establishing concepts like the ecological modernisation (Mol, 2001).  The green deal has still to make any relevance in the sector of rural land use by its component in the environment with a radical departure in current policy framework but it may be relevant in terms of providing local forms of energy which are renewable and potential jobs with various sources of income. Investing in long-term prosperity compels reinvigoration in the infrastructure and the workforce components of the economic stimulus packages. The transformation of the outdated energy infrastructure around the platforms of efficiency and reduced carbon emissions represents a great driver in innovation of economic growth.

Economic stimulus
The government can in many ways boost the economy by creating jobs in the recovery program. Focussed investment in improving energy efficiency and development of new clean technologies can create spending even in the hardest hit economic sectors like the construction and manufacturing. Further smart policies in energy efficiency can free up income that will be used by consumers to spend on other goods or services and reduce household utility bills. Green investment has paved the road that will enable better management and sustaining economic recovery over the next few years. Capital-intensive green projects which are large like the mass transit may take one or two years to run and will be good job creators in a dependable domestic economy with the multiplier effect. Another important critical advantage of the green economic program are the investments focused primarily by increasing capacity of domestic production, improving infrastructure nationally and making the overall economy to be more effective over the long term.

The combined plan for economic stimulus and recovery will ensure an efficient public infrastructure that will provide greater improvements in financial performance compared to rebates on traditional energy sources. This will enable the country to have added benefits and move the country towards improved national security, avoiding economic and social devastating effects of global warming. More good jobs will be created in the stimulus recovery package with a host of positive outcomes in public health, climate stability and energy security. Focuses on strategies that will ensure funding that will bring near the timeframe that will be essential to jumpstart the economy should be more specific because they will drive new investments that can immediately handle the stimulus. The policies proposed should not be exhaustive in nature but reflect programs that are given the top priority and will cover all the sectors in the  economy that entail workforce development, construction, transportation, building efficiency and neighbourhood revitalisation (Irons, 2008). 

Federal policies should be designed by governments to provide stabilisation, recovery and stimulus to address the growth problems and to boost the economy by spurring demand and a creation of strong labour market to restore lost jobs. This will make further investments for long-term economic prospects that will restore the nations future confidently. Major changes that are fundamental to the stimulus recovery package must be addressed like the nations approach to energy, scientific research and innovation needed to jumpstart financial long-term growth. The governments will also have to increase investment in public education, development and research of new technology and modern infrastructure that is vital to a competitive economy. It must also address comprehensive and affordable health care in the public sector which will be in a fair and more progressive manner. Global initiative that will undertake the reforms of currency and financial regulations to serve the real economy with proper placed financial systems.

The global trade regime should accompany this strategy which will aim at reducing unsustainable imbalances in trade and ensure that all trade workers receive all the benefits in the participating countries. The governments will require substantial monetary expansion to revive the economy. The move to repair and modernize the intellectual and physical infrastructure will provide workers in most need temporary financial assistance leading to greater productivity.

Recovery plan initiatives
The initiatives on the recovery plan can be summarised by focussing on a core area of elements that include

The Green investment where it should be given the priority of the rising threat of global warming to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and improve energy efficiency by constructing smart systems of electricity by increasing solar and wind power (Friedman, 2007).

Repair and modernisation of infrastructure will generate jobs in investment and provide better foundation for greater productivity for factories and improved education for children and better health for everyone.

Investment in public education will dispense mechanisms that help to ease downward pressure on labour markets and bring potential students to school.

Research and development will increase productivity and national income growth and stimulate innovation and facilitate transmission to new technologies for the country to thrive and compete in the global economy.

Health care should be re-evaluated in the downturn crisis to provide for the opportunity to avail access to lower cost of health care and Medicaid that will support systematic changes that will develop quality and cost-effectiveness in care in long-term growth.

Aiding those that were hardest hit by the downturn will not only be morally right but it makes economic sense. Providing assistance to workers without jobs and upgrading the unemployment insurance structure would help families to cut their costs in health insurance and meet the contemporary workforce needs.

Tax cuts stimulus will provide the public investment stimulus that will adequately enable consumer buying and reinvigorate the deteriorating job market affecting the capacity to absorb the need for spending.

Addressing the housing crisis will require a series of staged measures that will modify and foreclose properties to productive use in families and protect neighbourhood housing values which in turn will stabilize the housing and credit markets. Money will be acquired to reconstruct and sustain mortgages on principal residences in bankruptcy.

Emergency and short-term responses should be applied as steps in avoiding risks of deflationary spiral and expand on money supplies.

Enactment of regulatory proposals to the crisis in subprime mortgage debates and foster long-term stimulus plan to protect consumers, providing cushions to banking and capital investments with financial support, executive pay and regulation of shadow banking system that will safely wind-down important institutions systematically.

Governments should work on fiscal expansions that work to construct spending and taxing policies that can make a difference during the economic recession and will enable a sustainable recovery at the end of the downturn.

Looking beyond the downturn makes governments to re-evaluate diminishing sectors that play a part in the economy an example being agriculture. This will be important to sustain growth in all environmental security parts in the economy at sufficient levels of funding and uptake to make sure the objectives are met. It will provide an opportunity in disguise for companies and countries to build labour and capital intensive effective measures that will be a component in the green recovery. The global slump is expected to decrease emissions that will drive the economy up and succeed by enhancing competitiveness for efficient energy and using the existing potentials more effectively and productively. A properly designed recovery program will not only help the economy get back on its feet, it will also provide a down payment for a more dynamic and just society.

London City Airport Assessing the Effects of Opened Airways on Climate Change

    In the current era, everyone had been presented certain views of climate change. There had been various events where in climate change was to blame because of disasters which had happened in different parts of the world. Various types of environmental calamities in different parts of the world had caused tremendous stress for policy makers, environmentalist, scientists, and individuals due to the extremities of the situation. Thus, numerous organizations and entities had been interested in tracing the causes of climate change. Hence, there was a huge force which was only focused on viewing climate change and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Upon these studies it was revealed that the main cause of climate change is due to the increasing utilization of fuels, the layers of the earth had been severely damaged because of the carbon dioxide being excreted in the atmosphere. In this study, the effects of climate change shall be viewed through the eyes of people around the vicinity of London City Airport who are directly experiencing the consequences of high consumption of fuels.

Therefore, this study shall be based on how knowledgeable and reliable individuals who could provide the best information regarding the relations of climate change and open airways in London. Furthermore, this study focuses on how different individuals experience climate change due to open airways in London.

Literature Review
    In order to further understand and the issues relating to climate change and open airways, this section shall provide readers the basic concepts which are needed to elaborate such as climate change, relations of open airways to the current climate change and Londons current status in climate change. Thus, this section shall also provide gaps of the topic.

Climate Change
In the world where technologies had been one of the most important factors in the society, climate is one aspect which is neglected. However, due to the erratic changes in the environment and weather, people cannot simply neglect the changes and appeal for the extreme weather conditions that they experience. Thus, upon further study, there was a realization that the current situation of the earth is not more normal than it was before (Claussen, et. al. 2001).

From the year 1977, climate change had been an issue with different scientist due to the changes which they had observed in the atmosphere. During this time, many scientists tried to gather various politician who will help implement different policies which could help lessen the problems of climate change (IPCC, 2008). However, many politicians find this irrelevant during those times which led to continuing climate change. Hence, scientists continued to create studies regarding climate change and see the effects that it had in the environment and the earth. Although studies are often done and discoveries of what causes climate change, the capabilities of scientists cannot be until be extended upon the mitigation and implementation of policies. Therefore, the problem lies in not seeing the importance of nature and the resources in the world (Carbon Solutions Group 2007).

Finally, after decades of neglecting the issues of the environment, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or the IPCC had been one of the most fundamental organizations which viewed the importance of climate change in the international community. The role of the organization is, to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation (IPCC, 2007). Therefore, IPCC had been one of the main organizations that are made in order to address the needs of climate change and also to continuously research on the most current changes and developments in the climate system. More over, the IPCC together with other organizations are collaborating with each other in order to further create a much reliable study.

Furthermore, the United Nations is also one of the most popular international organizations to which provide help to different situations regarding climate and the environment. Through its sub unit United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) through this, the United Nations is able to address various types of issues relating to the environment most especially with climate change which is creating a huge impact in different societies around the world. Thus, the importance of climate had been one of the main issues which had been battled and mitigated by the whole organization. In addition to this, there are also local organizations which helped creating ways to prevent the harmful ways of climate change.

After the Cold War, the concept of national security arose in the international community in which states that military power should be strengthen in order to have security. Litfin (1999) argues that environment and military is the current trend of international politics. Now is a period where in military power is equated to national power. Although it was a good thought, she stated that there are underlying meanings of national security. The words are very attractive however, if looked closely, it is still based on the national interest and the view of the state on how national security should be translated. Just like national security, environmental security is a very attractive word but as theorists see it, the word could be a source of conflict among states. She said that the term is just an umbrella to much greater interests. Though there are still organizations such as United Nations that views environment security as a means for the international cooperation to have global or human security that will draw together nations and therefore bringing sustainable development in the world (Paul and Hall, eds. 1999).

    Litfin argues that, today the international trend is different, because the past security that states are practicing such as military hegemony, balance-of-power politics, and gun boat diplomacy currently look as if they are much unknown in international politics. Though the international community barely uses these strategies anymore, coercive power would not be inevitable. With this link, Litfin argues that environment and military is connected with each other. The NATO released a study that looks into the connection of environment and security and the possible environment problems that could arise. In addition to that, an action plan was provided for the problem to be easily solved. Litfin, on the other hand argued that environment problems could not be handled by the military because of the prevailing effects due to the Cold War, that are hazardous and poses a great danger to the next generation Though the military had done badly for the environment, they are trying to make up for it by looking into the US militarys toxic waste production. (Paul and Hall, eds. 1999)

Scientific View of Climate Change
Climate change is a process where in carbon dioxideswhich is normally emitted in the atmosphere is currently excessive due to anthropogenic causes. Anthropogenic or human caused climate change had been very excessive through different pollutants or materials. Thus, the carbon dioxide which had been emitted by various materials goes to the atmosphere. The excessive carbon dioxide causes harm to the atmosphere which results to increasing of the heat in the earth. The changing of the temperature of the earth causes different kinds of problems in the climate (IPCC, 2007). The usual flow of the climate in the whole world is affected. Thus, the climate of the world is related to the biological process of the ecosystem. The ice bergs in North Pole and in the Alaskan regions are melting because of the heat from the sun and from the heat of the water. In the written work of LeTreut and Somerville had stated in their studies that the climate system is a complex interactive system consisting of the atmosphere, land surface, snow and ice, oceans and other bodies of water, and living things (LeTreut and Somerville, 2007).

Therefore, climate change highly affects the weather of different places which relates to the high risks in the climate. Evidently, the changing of the weather and the climate brought various calamities different places in the earth. The difficulties of the weather are causes different. There are many effects of climate change, as enumerated by Le Treut and Somerville, the climate system can either amplify or diminish the effects of climate change. One example given is the rising concentrations of GHGs that warms the Earths climate where in the snow and ice begin to melt. The melting reveals darker land and water surfaces that were under the snow and ice, and these darker surfaces absorb more of the Suns heat, causing further warming that leads to more melting and so on. (Le Treut  Somerville, 2007)

In general, it discussed the science, the history and the actions made by the IPCC towards the realization of climate change as threat. The authors discussed the past issues that lead to climate change and also the factors that affected the progression of the issue. The e-book is focused on the science of climate change other than the activities done by the IPCC in order to solve the problem of climate change. There were technical terms that are used such as forcing and feedbacks that needed to be searched in order to understand. In conclusion, the authors have explained climate change clearly in all areas of discussion (United Nations 2002 United Nations 1987).

 In this topic, the gaps which are mostly seen are the issues with regards to the people. Although the people are ones most affected by the climate change, there are few studies which pertain to the importance of the peoples perspective in climate change. Environmental concerns are highly significant with people because it is the source of living. Through natural resources, various kinds of products are made to help people with their daily lives. Without natural resources, the basic needs of people could not be addressed and death would only be the end of the lost of natural materials. Hence, without the natural resources individuals could not live therefore, life threatening to the current and future societies.

Although most of these were known, the people are not taken any response with the situation. There are polls and interview with random individuals however there are not reaction from certain people who are directly experiencing the problems of climate change. Furthermore through the help of the government and other present entities, there must be policies and programmes that should be imposed or suggested by the community to follow. Through this, the people have direct participation in addressing climate change while also seeing the perspective of people of the importance of climate change. Furthermore the researcher believes that the writings present about climate change, is very sufficient to different researchers. There are various types of perspective regarding climate change however there are few that use the point of view of the people regarding climate change. Thus, the researcher would like to use such concept in order to present the hypothesis of the study.

    The research study aims to assess the effects of opened airways on the environment. More specifically, it will investigate on the case of the London City Airport and its effects on climate change.

In order to explore on the topic of climate change in relation with the newly opened Airways in London, the research has the following objectives.
To be able to determine the effects of opened airways on the environment, specifically regarding climate change.
To be able to gain insight regarding the perception of the public, specifically individuals who are knowledgeable about climate change and those people living in the vicinity of the London City Airport.
To be able to determine the corresponding ways in order to address the effects of opened airways in relation to climate change.
To be able to contribute on the existing body of knowledge on climate change.

    Opened airways contribute to environmental degradation, as the public believes that it is one of the major causes of climate change.

    The research will greatly benefit a number of people because the study deals with an important environment issue. The topic of climate change is one of the most controversial environmental problems that the world is facing. The effects of climate change transcends territorial boundaries in a since that all people regardless of their geographic location are affected by this environmental problem. In this sense, almost all people will benefit from the study because climate change is a subject matter that affects their everyday life. Nevertheless, there are also specific industries that will gain much from this research. Since the study will investigate on the effects of opened airways in the environment, the aviation and the business industries will become more knowledgeable regarding the effects of their operations, specifically opened airways on the environment. Due to this, the people within these industries will become more mindful of how they affect the condition of climate change. In addition, the corresponding recommendations of the study could also help them in studying opened airways and its relation with the environment, especially in terms of improving their mode of operations.

    This research will use both the quantitative and qualitative types of research in order to assess the effects of opened airways on climate change. More specifically, the study will focus on the effects of the opened airways in the London City Airport on climate change as observed by the people in the vicinity of this air transportation. In addition, the research will also give due attention to insights of knowledgeable individuals when it comes to the issue of climate change. The type of research that is chosen for this study has the ability to properly capture the answers to the subject that is under investigation. Furthermore, the information coming from the respondents that cannot be quantified, such as opinion and experiences should be left as it is in order for its value to remain undiminished.

    The mixed methodology that uses both quantitative and qualitative types of research analyses a certain phenomenon or address a problem through numeric and narrative data (Tashakkori and Teddlie 1998). The mixed method approach employs both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of inquiry. Mixed methodology as a combination of quantitative and qualitative type of research seemed impossible at first because of the distinction that these have. However, in order to understand the mixed methodology it is important to understand the two components that are involved in it.

    Quantitative research entails that the gathering of data should be done in a controlled environment, exhibits objectivity, uses empirical findings based on investigation, and the results of the research should be generally applicable to a population (Balnaves and Caputi 2001). The quantitative type of research is usually used in the field of natural sciences wherein scientific inquiries are often done. This type of research entails that the data is gathered in quantitative form and it is interpreted based on a statistical approach. One of the main benefits of using the quantitative type of research is that it gives the researcher the ease of computing and analyzing the data. In relation to this, this type of research allows the systematic organization of data because there are categories and standards that classify the responses made by the participants. Moreover, the results obtain from a research that used the quantitative approach could be generalized to a larger population because the qualitative findings could be run by using statistical tests that makes it applicable to a larger setting.

    On the other hand, the qualitative type of research has characteristics, which are the exact opposite of quantitative research. Qualitative research involves the study of variables in the natural setting, needs human intervention, emergent by nature, interpretative, and utilizes context as its main basis (Silverman 2004). Frequently, this type of research is use in the field of social sciences wherein the sociological phenomenon together with its corresponding problems are addressed through the answers that are obtained from non-controlled environment. One of the most prominent advantages of the use of the qualitative approach is that it realizes the considerable native ability people have to know about things about their own lives, one another, and their respective works (Bozinovski 1999 67). The qualitative type of research allows the study of a specific aspect of research through the perspective of the subjects or respondents who experienced it. As such, qualitative research allows the researcher to acquire data that is unique to the individual, namely reasons, opinion, biases, perspectives, and personal preferences. Qualitative research enables the collection of data that cannot be placed in a single quantitative category because the variables that are derived from a qualitative approach are difficult to quantify because it might lose its real meaning.

    Being the case, the use of combined qualitative and quantitative type of research will make it easier for the researcher to gain knowledge regarding the perceptions of the respondents and additional insights that are regarded as quantitative information could also be given in relation with the topic. The data gathering and analysis of the research acquire a holistic character because the quantitative and qualitative types of research allow the data gathered to support and compliment each other.

    In the case of this research, the use of both quantitative and qualitative approaches will enable the researcher to simplify the organization and analysis of data, specifically ratings and demographical information that are related to certain variables. In addition, it also gives the researcher the ability to probe for further information regarding the relation of opened airways and climate change by means of elaborating the experiences and perceptions of the respondents. This is clearly exemplified in the part of the research wherein the unique opinion and comments coming from the observation of the people in the vicinity of the London City Airport is required for the purpose of this study. Not all of these people have the same perception when it comes to the effects of opened airways on climate change because of the different experiences that they have with regards to the subject matter. As a result, it is necessary to give due account of the experiences and opinion of people, as this will provide several perspectives on the issue that will help address the problem of the research.

    The use of survey method in the gathering of data is dependent upon the need to collect quantitative data in the real world, or as Robson (2002) placed it, in non-laboratory situations where experiments are often neither feasible nor ethically defensible and surveys give that scientific ring of confidence (230). The benefit of using the survey method is observable in the convenience that it gives the researcher when it comes to the collection of data from a large number of respondents. Survey method allows the ease in the collection of data because it can easily be distributed and administered among several respondents, as this data collection method does not need human intervention as compared with other measurement procedures. In relation to this, the survey method also allows the systematic organisation and analysis of data because the gathered information is coded into statistical software or manually computed in terms of its categories. In addition, the use of quantified data in surveys enables the investigation of the relationship between variables. There are several questions that must be administered among the respondents the use of the survey method is more time efficient and practical in terms of the effort of the researcher because these questions could easily be answered by the respondents through a survey questionnaire. In line with this, it is more likely that there will be a high response rate from the people living in the vicinity of the London City Airport with the use of the survey method because it will be more convenient for the respondents to answer the questions instead of face-to-face interviews or focus group discussions. Moreover, the respondents will be more confident to answer structured questionnaire as honest as possible because their confidentiality is protected because they are given the option not to put their names in the questionnaire.

    The researcher in this study will use the random sampling method in identifying the respondents. The researcher adheres to a systematic random sampling without replacement that will help in obtaining the respondents for the study, who are living in the vicinity of the London City Airport. This type of sampling method is chosen because it allows the acquisition of good sample in terms of the perception of the public about opened airways and how it contribute or not to the condition of climate change. In connection with this, there are also several factors that must be carefully considered in order to obtain different opinion on the experiences of the public regarding opened airways and its effect on climate change.

    All the respondents that will participate in the study should be in the vicinity of the London City Airport. The proximity of the people in the London City Airport would be determined by their everyday interaction with the airport, in terms of whether they live near it or their place of employment is also within the area. From all those people living in the vicinity of the London City Airport, 100 respondents will be chosen in order to complete the questionnaires. Before answering the questionnaires, the respondents are assured that their answers and most especially their identity will remain confidential and their responses will only be used for the purpose of this research.

    Descriptive statistics will be used in order to analyze the gathered data from the respondents in relation to the hypothesis that is given in this research study. The answers of the respondents in the survey will be organised and analysed through the use of statistical software, specifically the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 17.0 and Microsoft Excel will also be used in order to organize the data. The utilization of these aforementioned tools allows easier and more systematic organisation and analysis of the data, especially with the large number of respondents and questions.

    Lastly, the researcher will be able to obtain the opinion and stance of individuals who are knowledgeable about climate change by using secondary sources in the form of books, journals, case studies, research papers, thesis, dissertation and other related materials. The studies previously made by other researchers or people in the field of the environment and who are expert in climate change, will substantially help in framing the survey questionnaire for the study in order for the researcher to ask the right questions that will probe the respondents with their corresponding opinion and perception about the subject matter. In relation with this, the use of secondary sources will also give additional insight for the researcher to properly assess the effects of opened airways on climate change.

Proposed Plan of Work
Week One In order to invite people to provide information regarding the climate change I would create small gathering for people in order to introduce my subject. Thus, upon attaining the interests of a certain group of people I shall create questionnaires to fit the topic at hand.
Week Two upon providing questionnaires further research of the subject shall be done.
Week Three Tallying of the answers will be the main work for this week while analysing the information provided. Contacting other resource person would also be done within the week.
Week Four After realizing the information provided by the respondents writing of the research material should be started. On the other hand if there are primary sources available and willing to participate interviews will also be held. Thus, there is also a need to transcribe various types of materials to be put in the appendix part of the study.

Week Five and Six This week must focus into writing wherein every resource must be utilized. Thus, writing the whole research paper must be done during this period. Also, revising and changing various types of information within the paper. Any period exceeding these weeks must be focused on the managing the whole research paper.