UN Polluted water killing more people than war
Millions of people in the developing countries die of water pollution. Sewers burst and the waste water drains in to the water sources or the there are leakages that enhance the mixture of clean water with the waste water leading to the growth of microbe that cause diseases like typhoid, dysentery, cholera among others that are fatal to human life.
In the United Nations reports reveal that water pollution is the cause of many health problems to the people the report is devastating because it states that water pollution claims more live than the physical fights, war or any violence. The report further states that about 2 billion tons of waste water gets discharged daily into the water sources. It is rather very alarming the majority of the sick people in the wards are suffering from water born diseases. The report confirms that the world losses more than 3.7 of the sick population as a result of water related sickness.
The world is encouraged to check their death rate through the management of health related factors like clean water provision and high medical care. However, it may proof difficult in some nations because of the economic crisis coupled with energy shortage. To obtain one liter of clean drinking water, the processing factory needs at least three liters of the ordinary water and this consumes a lot of energy to process. This does not scare the developed countries like the United Kingdom and the European countries because they can allocate good finances on health management.
Even though water pollution is all over the place, there is need to train the locals on how to carry on with individual health care by either boiling drinking water or even ensuring that they are using and clean vessels for water storage. The governments should also form strategic plans that will help control water pollution. In fact, the UNEP advices that if the world is to have any surviving being by the year 2050 there should be a collective responsibility on the worldwide control of environmental pollution. This will help eradicate the enlarging dead zones in the seas and oceans all over the world.
In conclusion, water pollution and all other sorts of pollution to the environment should be tamed as fast as possible. If this does not happen more lives would be lost and the people may end up getting extinct like the dinosaurs.
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