Drinking Water Source Pollution

Arsenic is a poisonous element found in the crust of the earth. It is one of those elements which are semi-metals. That means that they possess the characteristics of metals as well as non-metals and makes it even more harmful as it can react with greater organic and inorganic substances. It contaminates the water when water flows through rocks that are rich in arsenic. Its contamination is also the result of human activities like agricultural and industrial activities. Industries release thousands of pounds of arsenic in the environment each year. Arsenic is a major byproduct for many industries and cannot be banned. It is used in paints, dyes, drugs, metal alloying, soaps, and as a wood preservative. Metal industry is a lot to blame for arsenic contamination in the environment. Some natural sources like forest fires and volcanoes also fasten the reaction of arsenic contamination in groundwater and wells. The levels of arsenic in the environment are raised further by fertilizers and certain animal feeds.

Arsenic contamination is very dangerous when it is in drinking water. The reason is that it cannot be detected by physical examinations like taste, smell or color. The only way to make sure that our water contains standard levels of arsenic is to have it tested in a laboratory. The harmful effects of arsenic can be both long term and short term. These effects seem to vary in people according to age group, geographic area, amount of exposure etc. if acute amounts of arsenic are taken, then it is usually excreted from the body through skin, hair, urine, etc. but excessive amounts of arsenic intake can store in almost any part of the body.  The effects of arsenic contamination can be visible within hours of consumption. Long term effects of arsenic are not visible instantly but are much more damaging. Arsenic may cause cancer, problems of the lungs, kidneys, liver or prostrate. Its effects are even linked to nasal passage problems. The long term effects are not likely to occur in the drinking water as long as it has been supplied by the US.

The Environmental Protection Agency of the US has standardized that arsenic in drinking water should not exceed 10 parts per billion. Private wells, dug up by people, can be contaminated by high levels of arsenic and the water can be unsuitable for drinking purposes. It is advisable that if you have a private well, then its contents should be tested professionally for traces of arsenic. The amount of arsenic in ground water is noted to be higher as compared to lakes and rivers. This may be due to the great demand of municipal agencies of ground water. This demand decreases water levels due to which arsenic is released from rocks. It has been seen that arsenic contamination levels differ in each area. The western states of the US show higher arsenic values as compared to others. The Midwest and New England have some zones with high contamination and some with normal.

Arsenic is not absorbed through skin. This makes it safe for domestic use apart from drinking. It can be safely used for laundry and washing. The government of US is ensuring to provide its citizens with healthy water. We can also take some steps to lower arsenic contamination. Filters that are certified by all health standards should be installed and maintained. This may help in limiting its contamination levels.


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