Environmental Citizenship

Part 1 - Calculate Your Ecological Footprint
My personal Ecological Footprint is 17. 28. This is a summation of my Carbon, Food, Housing and Goods and Services Footprints. If I was to break my total score up, my individual Footprints are Carbon Footprint 12.5, Food Footprint is 2.0, Housing Footprint is 0.6 and Good and Services Footprint is 1.8.

The number of Earths required to support everyone on the planet if they had the same level of consumption as me would be 1.1. This means 1.1 Earths would be required by the world if everyone lived the kind of lifestyle I have.

My first reaction to this score was that this has to change Clearly, my lifestyle has scope to become more ecologically friendly, and something needs to be done about it now.

Key points of my current Ecological Footprint
My Carbon Footprint is the biggest cause of concern. It is way above the country average, and needs immediate attention. My sense is that is largely due to the fact that I drive a car intensively and use it for long distance driving as well. Also, I rarely carpool and in fact like to drive alone. My use of public transport is also minimal.

My Food Footprint is just about fine, but I would ideally like it to also reduce a bit. This primarily is a function of my diet, and I try to keep it as balanced as possible. However, I am not too particular about where I buy my food from, and how organic or chemical free it is.

My Housing Footprint is 0.6 and I am actually quite proud of this part of my score. I think this stems from my staying in a high rise apartment with shares resources and the fact that I ensure my electricity and water usage is kept to a minimum. I also try to use as many efficient devices as I can.
The last part of my score is the Goods and Services Footprint which also has scope for reducing. I think a large part of this score comes from my non recycling ways, and I usually also end up throwing a lot of things.

Part 2 - Manipulating Your Ecological Footprint
I realize that an ideal score in terms of Number of Earths required to sustain my lifestyle should be 0.8, instead of my 1.1, so that there is enough space for other life forms to also flourish. So the following lifestyle changes would be required by me

I will use as much public transport as possible. With my car usage coming down, I see an immediate fall in my Carbon Footprint.

I will see whenever there is an opportunity for me to car pool, which will also bring down my fuel consumption.

I will walk or cycle smaller distances to reduce my fuel usage.
I will try to include more vegetables in my diet, and reduce the amount of meat intake. This can be done by indulging me in more of my vegetarian favorites. For example, I love potato salad, so will have more of that then a chicken dish.

Reading labels of groceries and packaged goods is a good way of checking where they come from, and the level of processing that has happened. I will ensure I try to buy and eat fresh and organic, which will also be a step towards a healthy lifestyle.

I need to reduce the time I spend in the shower Water is a precious resource and it wastage will increase my footprint.

I will do a quick two minute test every time I am about the throw something old. Do I really need to let this go Is there any possible use for the old notebook or a plastic bottle
I will donate my old clothes wherever possible so that they get recycled and it positively affects my footprint.

These are some of the things that will definitely bring down my footprint, and which are also small yet effective steps. If I set them out as a goal, I definitely think they are achievable.
Definitely this goal needs to be achieved so that I can bring down my score, and have a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

Part 3 - Reflecting on Ecological Footprint
The Ecological Footprint in not another score from a quiz I took online. As I look at my score, and understand its various ramifications, the gravity of the situation cant help but sink in.

The environment has never been a bigger, graver concern to the world than it is now. And now, more than ever, people are realizing that there are things that can be done at an individual level that can make such a huge difference to the larger good. In fact man has to realize that he does not live in isolation in this ecosystem. We are just a small part of it, and there is so much more that goes into it, and that is also required for us to sustain life. We need the fresh clean air, pure refreshing water, lush green forests and a diverse flora and fauna. And all this can happen by little things we do. It is indeed true that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and I feel that now is the time to take that step. And that step can be as minor as switching off this computer after writing this assignment, or not reaching out for a grilled burger to fight my hunger pangs.

The problem is that we all fail to see the gravity of the situation. We are myopic about environmental issues because it seemingly does not have any direct impact on our lives. But the stark truth is that it in fact does, and the implications of our actions will not take time to catch up with us. So being an ostrich about it and burying our heads in the sand is just like wishing for an issue to go away without really being proactive about it. And it is failing in our duty as environmentally conscious citizens of mother Earth.

The most interesting part I noticed as I was reworking my score to improve how my Ecological Footprint looked was that for a major part of it, the well being of the environment also meant the well being of my self. So it is good for the both of us that I walk more, and save fuel. I save money with every gallon I cut down on. It is as much in my interest as the environments that I eat healthy, a more balanced diet, cut down on junk and grow my veggies. And how wonderful is it that when I recycle and reuse my existing stuff, or when I buy less, I am not just doing a favour to myself, but also to the world around me Yes, it is clear that we do not exist in silos, and when we benefit, the world around us has a positive rub off. So of course, when the world we live in suffers, we are bound to get misery too. Its only natural.

But all this is just speak if it doesnt translate into hard action. And as I have learned from my Ecological Footprint, and the various sub-footprints it is made of, I too can, and will make a difference. It is my chance of repaying the Earth back for giving me this brilliant existence. And it is my chance to have a fuller, healthier, happier life, in synergy with Mother Nature and all her joyous bounties.


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