Global Warming as Human Right Issue

Climate change is the cycle of nature and it continued for thousands of year and would continue for next coming millions of year. But this process has to be undertaken by nature itself and we developed human brain has no right to accelerate the time cycle of climate change. Since past few decades we had witnessed the industrial revolution and the first industry to spit the smoke out of its chimney as sign of progress, but it in fact that was the fuelling of revolutionary path that lead to destruction. Today so many cars around the world always demand for petroleum gas and fuel. The globe is spherical and has good and bad effect around it. Global warming the term is more common than leading brands and celebrities all over the world. Everyone knows the term global warming as everyone is affected by it. The other term that blankets and covers wide variety of human issues is the term human right. The human right understandings  solutions are more complicated throughout geographical distances. Some or the other person in this world fights for his right. Those rights may be self respect  freedom of speech in higher society, compensation for land, liberty, freedom at lower class society, or may be food, clothing and shelter for those who are below poverty line. The more exploited term is the human right for peace everyone wants his neighbour to practice it. This was not enough than the term global warming was added to never ending list of human right. But this is necessary as each human being on this planet has the right to survive and make its own benchmark and achieve his dream some or the other day. The planet is one and so is owned by everyone and not just by developed countries. Global warming as human right is claimed because people who are least interested in oil and natural gas and live on natures blessings still have to suffer. This paper uncovers the fact files and certain non discussed issues of sensitive connection of global warming with human right. Better to act now before it s too late to use our very developed science and technology.

Statement of Purpose
It has become very necessary to study the connection developed through undesirable results of global warming. It discusses the results and hazardous effect of global warming on the civilization on the other part of the world where contribution to CO2 emission is least and effects of global warming s more. It anticipates the points such as Himalayan and Andes mountain ranges and effect of global warming on their wealthy contribution of fresh water to this human civilization.

Research at Space Watchers All Together Pvt. Ltd. (S.W.A.T)
Space Watchers All Together (S.W.A.T) is a space research group basically concentrating their work on intergalactic space and planetary science. SWAT decided to make changes in their program and turn their eyes towards more realistic world problem. The name of the program was effect of global warming Indian tribes. This was the great study of indigenous tribe living different parts if India. The program covered all around 13 different tribal lives, studied their dependability on nature and its resources (not oil and gas). The most remarkable study was at  Niyamgiri Hill  the place in the state of Orissa, India. At the base of the Niyamgiri hill lives the tribe Dongria Kondha (Mountain dwellers). They depend on the Niyamgiri Mountain for their food and farming. This was disturbed by the British company came uninvited to drill the mountain for bauxite beneath the mountain. Hunger for natural gas and elements leads to global warming and directly indirectly affects the true civilizations i.e. the indigenous people on our planet. The people of   dongria kondha  have no way to resist the company, but still resistance is seen and their struggle to save their Niyamgiri mountain is still going on.

Other is the civilization in the lap of Himalaya mountain ranges. The most affected by global warming as people had experienced the change in water drainage from top of mountain in winter too and less ice formation. This wiped out some of the species of Yak, and mountain goat that used to reside on top of mountain and people here were depending on them for hunting, milk, clothing, fur and transportation.
The Amazon basin, known as world largest green heritage that mysteriously hold the large amount of carbon deposit and home for many different jungle tribes. It is believed that 13 part of Amazon forest has been wiped out and forced many tribes to migrate to urban lands.

The most important question here is that  Why these indigenous people should suffer We don t have any right to disturb the life of people who never contributed in CO2 emission. They have the right to breathe free. Human right issue shatter the chair of united nation to believe that there is deep connection between Global Warming and Human Right and it need global exposure for better understanding.
The organization I worked with SWAT has its own way to work on Global warming. Recently they took paper presentation of 3000 students and topic was  What you lost in Global Warming . The response was good and they are educating people to use less carbon emitting luxury items and household things. SWAT also work for the innovative ways to keep environment clean though research and development in sustainable energy source.

It was good experience to work with SWAT to know the basic connection between Global Warming as Human right issue. This connection needs strong uplift and on air talk to let people understand how important is Human right to suppress global warming and use of sustainable use of energy


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