The ways of Reducing Annual Waste
The manufacturing sector especially during food packaging leads to disposition of waste products such as chemicals, wrappings, cans and plastics. These waste products once not treated well becomes health hazards to environment. The department concerned with food packaging is entitled by provisions of waste disposal to reduce level of waste this is done through the use of materials that can be recycled, composed, incinerated with forms of energy recovery and biodegraded. The main intention is to minimize the level of waste that is generated from food packaging. In addition, recycling and reuse of waste is another way of reducing the annual level of packaging waste. There are various ways of collecting and handling waste streams such as agricultural, health care, construction, demolition and electrical waste. Individuals have a role to play in reduction of annual waste since they are responsible for existence of various streams. One way of reducing annual waste is through adoption of rules and regulations that help to reduce waste. Individuals should have good behavior of dealing with disposal of waste so as to have conducive envornmant for good health. One major way is through adoption of proper waste disposal and recycling of reusable organic materials. For instance, use of grass, food left over and animal waste as manure to increase food production.
Waste common in farms or manufacturing industries includes organic and non natural materials. The main process that lead to organic waste include silage, building waste, agrochemicals, packaging and animal health products. Organic waste is usually burnt or buried on the farm thus the effect of such waste is usually low. Health care waste is another stream whose main sources are health centers, laboratories, veterinary surgeries and dental surgeries. To minimize the level of annual health care waste it is important to recycle and reuse non-infectious waste wherever it is possible. This will help health care centers to put into use any form of waste that may have negative environmental impact.
Non-natural waste materials consists of tiles, bricks, tar, soil, stones, concrete, metals, asphalt and gypsum that are harmful to human health. The waste products should be put into immediate use through recycling. Tax levy should be increased on such products so as to make them very expensive so as to reduce the chances of demolition. The users of such products should be in a position to utilize the resources under the guidance of professional engineer who provides guidelines on the right material to be used for specific purposes. This will help to reduce the chances of left over that are considered as waste a health hazard. Scrap electrical equipment is identified as one of the common waste stream. To reduce the level of annual electrical and electronic waste it is advisable to reuse and recycle scrap materials in doing other corresponding tasks.
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