Eco-Friendly City Planning and Transportation
Freeway ramp metering basically helps to reduce traffic congestion while entering freeways. It reduces the concentration of Carbon-di-oxide emissions by reducing the congestion, in a particular area. Comprehensive ramp metering is the most important and effective strategy which has the potential to address the problem of traffic congestion and also helps in reducing the carbon-di-oxide emissions in a particular area. This technique is being implemented in most of the developed countries like United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand etc. This is very effective way in order to reduce the concentration of the greenhouse gas CO2.
Bicycling and walking are the most eco-friendly means which when implemented in a strategic way, help to reduce the pollution very effectively. Because no emission of the carbon-di-oxide occurs as a result of using the bicycles when used as a means to commute among other such means. Bicycling and walking are the most important and effective means to reduce the carbon-di-oxide emissions.
It is very essential for the state governments to persuade public in order to use a bicycle for commuting rather than using cars or other such motor cycles which cause a significant damage to the climate by emitting carbon-di-oxide gas into the atmosphere. It is very essential for the local governments to induce a feeling of social responsibility in order to counteract the problem effectively. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for the world nations to solve the problem of global warming and global brightening which are occurring as a result of the increased emission of Carbon-di-oxide in atmosphere caused by the exhaust of vehicles running on petroleum products.
The increase in development densities is considered very well from the perspective of employment and development of a country. But there are serious compromises made while going ahead with such projects in terms of environmental issues. This is the main cause for the emission of the greenhouse gas, CO2. Once again, it becomes the responsibility of the local authorities to regulate any kind of such activities.
Suggestions of the environmentalists is to be given due respect and implemented in order to sort out the problem. By having an action plan which can help in minimising the problems that are caused due to the increase in development densities in San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose, from the concerned authorities is very much recommended.
Even though it is possible to create a better world by shunning out all means which cause disturbances to the environment and live in harmony with the nature, it is very difficult. Because we got used to the comforts of the technological advancements, it is difficult to give up and it seems impossible in the present world situation. The possible solutions have already been explained include comprehensive ramp metering and reducing the usage of vehicles which depend on petroleum products to the minimum possible extent going for alternative sources which can satisfy the hunger of the future energy needs, improving technology to such an extent that will help in reducing the negative effects of development densities on the environment. The Copenhagen summit also supported bicycling which can reduce the CO2 emissions and also improve the health of individuals.
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