The population of humanity is increasing at a rapidly growing pace with it comes adverse consequences for the rest of the species on the planet. With an ever growing population comes the need for an increase in the amount of food needed to support such a population. Farms are penetrating into never before used areas in an attempt to satiate humanitys growing hunger for food. As such this presents a challenge to farmers since they have to deal with the challenges that farming in a new ecosystem presents. They find themselves dealing with insects that eat the crops that they plant as a result farmers turn toward the use of pesticides to stem the tide of this insect threat to their crops and livelihood. Unfortunately though their actions have far reaching consequences for the environment and for humanity as well since we still depend upon the environment for our continued survival.

The use of pesticides has grown to become a growing trend in farming wherein farmers practically swear on the effectively of the chemicals in dealing with unwanted insects that destroy their crops however whats not taken into account is the environmental and human factor of the use of these pesticides and how they harming both the environment and humans as a consequence. Pesticides that are used to kill insects seep into the very soil that is used to plant the crops that farmers grow, continued use of these pesticides actually causes the land to become infertile over time and hence unusable not only that the plants themselves tend to absorb these toxic substances which still stays within the plant even after processing.. From the soil these pesticides also penetrate into the ground water which winds up in rivers, streams and lakes where a vast majority of towns and villages source their potable drinking water. The end result being people drinking water and eating food laced with trace amounts of dangerous chemicals. Resulting in complications in the human body with the worst case scenario being death.

The environmental factor cannot be neglected as well. With untold gallons of pesticides seeping in the very waters and soils of the environment species higher up in the food chain are affected as well. Birds die from eating insects laced with these chemicals, fish wind up dead and poisoned from swimming in lakes and rivers that are filled with the after effects of the chemical spraying process. All these factors result in a destruction of the ecosystem which will come back to hurt humanity in the future.

The best practices needed to prevent irreversible destruction of our natural environment are to first and foremost stop the use of chemical pesticides that are harmful to the environment. This will a start a slow but gradual repair of our planets ecosystem. Secondly the use of natural methods of pest control must be advocated in order to prevent the mistakes of the past. By finding new and natural ways of dealing with pests not only will we safeguard the environment we also ensure our continued health and well being. Thirdly the encroachment of farms into the natural habitats of species must be controlled one of the reasons why humanity as a species is having such a devastating effect on the environment is due to the fact that we are interfering too much in the natural processes of the world. By advocating effective means of creating farmland we ensure that the environment does not cause a backlash against us. Lastly as a species we have gotten far too numerous and too much of a burden for the planet to bear. Effective means of population control must be put into place in order for us to live and harmony with the natural world in order for us not to damage our ecosystem in such a way that our planet might become uninhabitable in the future.


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