To the admissions department,

I am (place name) and I am interested in attending Linkping University under your Master degree of Science for Sustainable Development Study program. I have done a lot of research online as well as through brochures and the advice of my friends and family as such I have come to the conclusion that if I were to attend Linkping University that I would grow as a person and I would be able to become a success.

When applying to your institution I do not just bring myself as a person rather I also bring with me many years of academic experience. I have been studying at (name of university) for (put number of years) with several months being dedicated to internships (place name of company or companies that you interned with). Throughout those years I helped (place name of company or companies) respond to rapidly changing technologies and practices by using what I learned at my university to respond to deadlines set by my immediate supervisor and by (give a short summary of what you did there). I can assure you that I can keep up with the demands of the course and even excel due to my experiences.

The reason why I want to attend your institution is because when I took up (place name of degree that you took up while in college) I thought that I would be able to immediately achieve my dream of becoming an (place name of environmental profession that you want to take up) wherein I would be able to do field work and find a way to do my part for the environment. Suffice it to say I discovered early on that what I learned was lacking. That in order to be (place name of profession) I would need to immerse myself in the given field that I wanted to take up.

As I mentioned earlier, I thoroughly researched what it meant to become an expert in my field, I though that if I gained enough experience I would be able to become a consultant and be on my way to proving my worth. After several weeks of searching I came upon the website of your university. It may have been more than just coincidence at work when I came upon it though.

I have always wanted to travel to Sweden, I am originally from Taiwan and then I moved to Vancouver during my early years and now I am in Ontario where I graduated from (place name of university). I happen to like travelling seeing new and interesting things has always been a thrill for me. I believe that life should be enjoyed and that the only way to expand your knowledge and wisdom is to continuously experience new things. I do not think that it is mere coincidence that the place I wanted to visit had the university I needed to go to in order to achieve my dreams.

While I was at (place name of University) I was able to successfully complete numerous courses involving different environment topics in which I learned various lessons which I hold dear. I have taken up Earth 123 which is an introduction to hydrology wherein I was taught about the movement, distribution, and quality of water throughout the Earth as well as about the water cycle and the different dangers that the Earths water supply faces due to mankinds interference. In Earth 270 I learned about the different natural disasters and natural hazards that nature can cause and that a lot of the recent natural disasters namely stronger storms, hurricanes, droughts and floods have been theorized to have been caused by mans interference in the natural cycle of the Earth. In science 250 I studied environment geology and on how underwater reservoirs of freshwater can be affected by pollution from landfills resulting in poisoned water that can come into contact with livestock and even people resulting in deaths due to water poisoning.

I took up Earth 205 which was an introduction to the Atmospheric sciences, it was through that course that I learned about the different kinds of pollutants that are being released into the atmosphere on a daily basis and what their long term environmental impact would be.

Some of my other subjects such as physical and chemical hydrogeology I learned about the movement of water underneath the Earths crust and how ground water reservoirs have been slowly been depleted due to over consumption and pollution. Under Earth 281, 359, 421 and 221 I was able to learn the impact of geological pollution on human health and the methods and ways on how to prevent it from happening.
While finishing my bachelors degree my thesis project at (place name of university) was the use of MeHg in wood particle bioreactors as an effective means of removing the presence of excessive nitrates in agricultural lands that were brought about by environmental pollution.

One of the reasons why I chose to pursue this particular project is because I have always been interested in field work as well as environmental containment.

I believe that its will enable people to combat the excessive nitrates that are accumulating in the soil due to pollution. If people are unwilling to change the method wherein they contribute to the pollution in the environment a solution must then be made to ensure the continued presence of the environment till such a time that people change enough to realize the true damage that they are doing.

The reason I am so determined to take up the environmental sciences as a field of study is due to the fact that on the news I see on a daily basis the effects of mans maltreatment of the environment. On how people say there is nothing wrong, that the scientists are exaggerating all of it. Then why are their people dying from stronger storms Hurricane Katrina is a good example wherein an entire U.S. city was devastated by a storm of previously unheard of strength. Typhoon Ondoy in the Philippines devastated the Philippine capital causing millions of dollars in damages and causing the deaths of several hundred in outlying villages, seeing people on TV. standing on the rooftop of a house while it being swept away by floodwaters thinking that they seem safe only to see them crash into a low lying bridge and drown to death. Such images burn at the back of mind, with me thinking how can people not see that there is definitely something wrong going on here With droughts occurring on one side of the globe and excessive rains on the other not to mention the polar ice caps actually melting enough to allow ships to pass through the once fabled north west passage is hard evidence enough that our planet is changing and not for the better.

I plan to become and individual so well versed in my field that I will be able to effectively help people and do my part in ensuring the continued survival of this planet, I refuse to turn a blind eye like others have just for the sake of comfort. Its my planet too and while I live on it I plan to protect it and ensure that it will be there for when my own children are born and not have them see a wasteland created by the folly of man.

When it comes to my use of the English language I can assure you that I am a fluent English speaker and I can write in a manner that is clear and well understood.  I graduated from (place name of university institution) wherein I completed the course with a good academic record and without incident. Through my experiences there and what I learned while working I realized that in order for me to improve myself and get ahead in the world I will need to improve what I already know and learn new things. I enjoyed my college experiences and going back to them would be like revisiting an old friend. I decided that there would be nothing wrong with going back to achieve another degree. With this in mind I am determined in entering Linkping University and I assure you I will succeed and even thrive in an academic environment.

In conclusion I am confident in my skills and I know that should I be accepted I would be able to finish my degree and become an alumnus the school would be proud of.

Thank you and I hope that I will accepted

(Place name then sign at the bottom)


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