A Case Study Method in Landscape Architecture

(A book review)

A Case Study Method in Landscape Architecture

statement of the problem
a. Bryant Park, which is supposed to be the place for leisure and relaxation, served as the meeting place of the buyers and dealers of illegal drugs.

significance of the problem
a.  The problem causes the place to have a negative impact to most of the people.

b. The young people of the place are directly affected.

approach or methods employed 
a. Multi-method approach (combination of historical and  story-telling or anecdotal documentation)

the basic findings 
a. It was found out that the intensive illegal activity has something to do with the semi-seclusion lay out of the park which becomes strategic for the drug dealers to do their business with the drug user.

Implications and Solutions
a. Landscape architect Laurie Olin and his firm Hanna or Olin suggested redevelopment and redesign on the park to improve its physical problems such as the numerous dad ends, lack of amenities and many hidden places so that the problem on illegal drug transaction will be eliminated (Francis 2001).

b. Some of the numerous recommendations that will solve the problem of the said park include the removal of the iron fences and shrubbery, cutting of openings in the balustrades for easier pedestrian circulation, provision of a third set of steps midway between the existing stairs and 42nd street and ramps for the handicapped,  improvement of visual access up the steps on the venue of the Americas, restoration of the fountain and other restroom structures (Whyte 1998 as ctd in Francis 2001).

critique in terms of the threats to validity of the study
a. One of the problems was the maintenance of the park since it was made open for the public. It was good that amenities had been placed for the convenience of the people and for the encouragement to do relaxation and recreation instead of illegal activities. But the maintenance for the said amenities is not that easy. The problem again is to where the fund will come in order to maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the park.


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