Taking advantage of the suns energy to produce other forms of energy is always cheap and efficient. The sun generates more energy than anything on earth and that this energy is always free for everyone and produces no negative effects to the environment. Aside from solar panels which capture and convert solar energy into electrical energy, scientists have found new ways to take advantage of the suns energy to generate other forms of energy to used from day to day life. One of these new ways to take advantage of the suns energy is to mimic leaves in the process of photosynthesis, but this time in the creation of liquid fuel. This is great news since fossil fuel is not a sustainable source of energy and that it takes thousands of years to produce. While the report did not specify whether this form of fuel is more environment friendly than that of fossil fuels, fuel generated from the suns energy will be abundant and considerably be cheaper than processed fossil fuels. Other forms of energy are also discussed which takes advantage of and converts the suns energy into everyday use.
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