Denmark has found a new energy source from its garbage and its now covering 20 of daily household energy consumption. The new waste-to-energy plants or what were known previously as incinerators are now being credited for this change. Apart from cutting energy costs, among the benefits in using waste-to-energy plants are 1) diminished use of landfills 2) lesser carbon dioxide emissions 3) emissions to the air and water are lessened due to scrubbers and filters 4) income from extracted acids and 5) lesser exposure to toxic materials as they are concentrated and handled with care. Of the nations total garbage, only 34 is incinerated and the rest are recycled. At present, Denmark has 29 waste-to-energy facilities nationwide, with 10 more upcoming. Europe now has a total of about 400 such plants and a lot more are underway which is in compliance with their environmental commitment as per the European Union. The US is said to be reluctant to the building of any waste-to-energy plant because of the abundance of cheap landfills across the country, the so-called priority for zero waste, and the negative connotation associated with incinerators.
The resistance to change is a typical reaction to new ideas, innovations and technology. Change is nonetheless inevitable and the issues pertaining to garbage in relation to the environment need to be addressed at the soonest time. The government should initiate re-education of the citizenry as regards these issues since they are pressing concerns and not merely fabricated ones. Each and everyone should be mobilized and made aware that these issues affect every member of the community, and that a passive attitude like, I will just stay here and watch them do it -- would not be acceptable at this point in time.
Review A Call for Hong Kong to Clean the Air
Said to be Asias financial hub, Hong Kong is starting to earn yet another title as one of the countries with the most polluted air. The financial executives themselves are starting to complain about the issue as pollution levels went up to a record high in March this year. This has caused more people to stay indoors, and the cancellation of most if not all outdoor activities. The elevated awareness on the issue has given environmental activists more hope that an action will finally be made. External sources are said to be the culprit -- smoke from factories in neighboring Chinese province of Guangdong, from cargo vessels passing through, and the recent sandstorm which happened at about the same time. Local environmentalists however counter this claim since, according to them, there are numerous local sources which should take the blame for this occurrence. Although government officials have vowed to take drastic steps to ensure cleaner air, environmentalists are not convinced. Meanwhile, as the situation drags on, companies have started having difficulty in recruitment partly due to the environmental issues in this widely-acclaimed business district.
The issue of air pollution is another essential concern that requires prompt attention since whether the air is clean or not, each person has to breathe. Each individual needs air. One may be able to delay the consumption of food, but breathing, he cannot. Whats worse is inhaling air that is polluted. When ingested into the body, polluted air can cause respiratory problems, and worse, toxic air may cause harmful side-effects, the damage of which one can only imagine. Re-education is also needed in this aspect as the task of making the environment a more suitable one -- for the present generation and the generations to come -- is not only expected from the government, but from each one of us. More hands will produce more output so a collective effort will redound to more benefits, and a better environment in the offing.
911 Health and Environmental Issues
Eight and a half years after the ill-fated World Trade Center destruction on Sept. 11, 2001, environmental and health issues have come to fore, as the rescue and clean-up workers who assisted in the cleaning of the debris complained of incurring asthma, sarcoidosis and other respiratory illnesses. Almost 10,000 workers have filed lawsuits against 90 government agencies and private entities. The workers contended that they were not sufficiently protected from the health hazards posed by the contaminants in the debris. The contaminants consisted of smoke, dust and ash which may have affected the volunteers who worked in the 16-acre location at that time. An emerging medical consensus came to conclude that those who worked for longer hours in the area had the greater risk of getting sick. Thus, the amount of 657.5 Million has been earmarked for the settlement claims which will follow the procedures done in the Victim Compensation Fund for the families of 911 victims.
The destruction of the World Trade Center has brought with it a lot of shock and devastation, on a worldwide scale, and now these issues come up. It took two long years for the city officials to decide to make the settlement to the workers. Although the issue is supposed to be an old one and is supposed to have been a settled concern by now, some of the affected workers are still processing their respective complaints and assessing their health conditions. Although local officials argue that the city government should not be held liable for the health damage to the workers, the latters claims have sufficient basis since they incurred the illness in the line of duty. In like manner, the government should provide assistance to the workers as part of their commitment to uphold the welfare of the citizenry above all other concerns. It is not just the monetary consideration which is important here but the moral and ethical principles involved concerning the issue.
Review Mercury in Tuna
Following the discovery in 1970 by Bruce McDuffie of canned tuna having mercury levels way above the standards set by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US government made a recall of more than a million canned tuna products from the market. It is said that mercury is an element naturally found in fish, but the bigger ones like albacore and bluefin tuna have the highest levels in their tissues. The FDAs previous standard of hazardous level of mercury in fish was set at 0 to 0.5 parts per million, which in 1979 was raised to 0.5 to 1.0 parts per million. Fishing entrepreneurs have disputed the federal warnings and limitations on tuna consumption saying that mercury is not considered a health hazard. This argument is contradicted by findings at the National Academy of Sciences which state that methylmercury causes neurological and learning problems in children. By 2004, the FDA and the EPA gave a restricted diet recommendation of 12 ounces of tuna in a week for children and pregnant women.
The studies on mercury in tuna are contradicting since Harvard School of Public Health says that the benefits of eating fish overshadow the supposed toxins. Conversely, the Federal Institute of Medicine continued to warn against the adverse effects of mercury in unmonitored amounts.
The benefits of eating fish to follow a low-fat diet should now be taken with a grain of salt. These days when people are more conscious of what they eat, fish is considered a healthy option. But steps should be taken to ensure that the fish one consumes is safe especially pertaining to children, pregnant women and even lactating mothers. As the article avers that the chemical mercury stays in the body, and thus accumulates through time, we cannot really be sure what its harmful effects may be once it reaches a certain level, or what effects it may have on the body on a long-term basis. More studies should be done to address this issue so that everyone may be made aware of the consequences of having a possible high-risk mercury-tainted diet.
Review Study says Overuse Threatens Gains from Modified Crops
The use of genetically engineered crops has been beneficial to farmers since its introduction in 1996. Genetically engineered crops although much expensive, requires lower production costs, yields more harvest, offers more convenience and needs lesser chemical spraying, and hence is generally more favorable in the long run. However, overuse of the technology is starting to backfire as weeds are becoming resistant to the herbicide being used. The issue now requires national attention as more than 80 of US crops like soybeans, cotton and corn are genetically engineered. The US is said to be the first to use this technology on a large scale basis, although it has also been adopted in Latin America and in some Asian countries. Although the rapid adoption by a majority of farmers is believed to be synonymous to the viability of the practice, critics say that increase in production has been negligible, and this has resulted to more dependence on pesticides. Farmers are now starting to question the practicality of using biotechnology, which has prompted capitalists to lower the prices of seeds used in planting.
Controversial though it may have been, the genetically engineered crops have now become regular fare to a majority of US farmers especially when it comes to soybeans, cotton and corn which accounts for more than 80 of total harvested crops in the US. Initially, the idea of modifying genes in crops was met with a huge uproar what with the lack of tests done as regards the safety of these crops yield. Up until now, there are still no significant tests to prove that genetically engineered crops are safe for human consumption. However, most have now turned a blind eye towards this issue maybe because of the extra convenience and economic gains that have come with this new technology. Acceptance nevertheless does not necessarily denote safety, and so this question continues to jeopardize everyones health and well-being.
Review The Struggle of Farming a Land Where Normal Has Lost Its Meaning
Last year, Kenya experienced the worst drought in their country which necessitated 4 million in food aid for a 10 million population facing starvation. The climate changes have affected much of its arid to semi-arid climate, and the situation seems bleak as, sources say, temperatures are expected to rise further. Sakai, a town in Kenya, however, has been able to bear the hard times with a small budget for a pilot-program sponsored by the UN. Different varieties of seeds are used parallel to the season and amount of rainfall when they are planted. From corn, farmers have also learned to plant other crops like peas and beans which are more drought-tolerant. Small loans were also granted to start businesses which were not farm-based. Dams have also been constructed to ensure adequate supply of drinking water for the villagers. Another plan which is underway is the construction of irrigation systems for the farms. This being done, Kenyas leaders believe that the predominantly upheld notion of farming practices based on rain-dependency will be gradually eliminated. Food security and a reduction of rural poverty are thus ensured.
The situation in Kenya is pitiful and so unfortunate but it cant be helped since their country is in a location which is currently one of the worst affected by climate change. In as much as most people would be helpless regarding their situation, the best that one could do is to do whatever heshe can in hisher own backyard, be aware of what is happening, contribute whatever you can, do greening practices, try to live healthy and be healthy. Dispose of your trash in the most earth-friendly way, recycle whenever possible and be conscious of whats toxic or not. Prayers for their nation can also help. Being thankful and optimistic can also do much. Lastly, being vigilant about making the earth a safe place to live in should be deemed the most important.
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