There has been notable increase in the importance placed on educational attainment within the society. Education is viewed as a critical requirement to personal and professional development which has led to a myriad of studies seeking to determine the variables that affect attainment and success in education. Understanding the importance attached to students performance and the complexity surrounding it is therefore an important issue in learning and social development.
The education system is charged with ensuring that students adopt skills and values that are important to the overall development of the society. This implies that the failure by the education systems which is often reflected by poor performance and behavioral problems affect the society. The adoption of strategies that are relevant and effective in addressing students performance is therefore a requirement that ensures the education system meets its goal to the society. However, studies that focus on student performance and how it is influenced by environmental variables mainly focus on the academic aspect (Park, 2008). A critical review of academic performance shows that it is affected by personal skills and behaviors displayed by students and therefore any objective analysis of performance should incorporate these vital variables (Harris, Chapman, Muijs, Russ, Stoll, 2006). Moreover, social expectations on the education system include ensuring that students adopt positive behaviors and are acquainted with personal skills that are critical to their involvement in the community (Osokoya, 2005). Skills like appreciation of diversity, effective communication and orderliness though not overly emphasized by the education system are important to the society. Therefore, an objective consideration of students performance requires analysis on different aspects of performance which is yet to be appreciated by a host of researchers.
Purpose Statement
The purpose of the research is to determine environmental variables that affect students performance. In this study, students performance is considered as academic gains, behavioral development and acquisition of personal skills.
Research Question
The following research questions will help direct the study towards attainment of its aim. The main research question is what are the environmental variables that affect students performance The research question is broken down into the following specific research questions
What are the school environment variables that affect students performance
What are the home environment variables that affect students performance
What are the community environment variables that affect students performance
Rationale and Significance
The main rationale in formulating the study is the importance attached to educational attainment and success in academics by the modern society. Academic success affects ones stature in the society and is highly deterministic of the quality of life that one will attain. By improving access to information on available opportunities for personal and professional development, students performance within institutions affects social development.
The study seeks to determine the environmental variables that influence students performance. Determination of variables that influence academic performance, behavioral development and acquisition of personal skills by students will help the education system develop better strategies in ensuring transmission of knowledge and skills to students. Moreover, highlighting variables that influence skill acquisition and behavior development as aspects of students performance will help further research in these areas which have so far not been adequately considered as aspects of students performance.
Literature Review
Understanding students performance is an issue that educators have grappled with for several years. Educational institutions have been provided resources and staffed with experienced teachers in the hope that they will play a role in uplifting students performance. Studies have sought to determine if there are significant differences in students ability and factors that may be influencing such differences. In general, students performance has been analyzed with reference to the mechanics adopted in learning, the environment in which learning takes place, the expertise displayed by teachers and variations in students ability. Increase in research on students performance is mainly attributed to the importance attached to education and its role in improving quality of life (Eggens, Werf, Bosker, 2008). However, with increase in awareness on education the focus has shifted from basic attainment to ensuring high levels of students performance. High students performance is associated with a wide platform for students to seek higher education and undertake other forms of vocation. On the other hand, low performance at any level is associated with a thin platform for seeking higher levels of education. In fact, the job market uses the educational scores in gauging applicants ability thus students performance plays a central role in determining opportunities and gains that they will make from the education system (Shek-kam, Wai-ip, Ka-yee, Yu-hong, 2007).
Study One
In a study by Waters, Cross, Runions (2009), it was established that there are varied factors that affect adolescents levels of connectedness to school and therefore their potential academic gains. The article asserts that there is little that has been researched and established on the effect of school characteristics on the levels of connectedness displayed by children to academics and how this connection is developed. This study seeks to determine the effect of the school environment on academic potential displayed by students.
Students who are concerned to school or feel connected to school are less likely to engage in activities that could be detrimental to their cadmic and psychological development (Waters, Cross, Runions, 2009). The level of connectedness to school is a predictor to mental development in students and determines the propensity to developing mental problems in latter stages of life. Though students are expected to engage in learning activities, there are numerous environmental and internal factors that may affect their levels of commitment to attaining academic goals. Engagement in drugs, hormonal outbursts as a result of adolescence and social issues for instance availability of drugs and liquor are likely to detract students from seeking academic goals which affects their potential. Developing a school environment that ensures students appreciate education and feel connected to others within the same environment plays a vital role in mitigating risks associated with practical learning environments.
Waters, Cross Runions (2009) adopt a qualitative design that focuses on reviewing the existing literature to determine how connectedness is developed and the influential variables. The review of existing literature though effective in bringing out different dimensions of the problem being analyzed by the study is prone to bias and assertions that support a predetermined viewpoint. However, the findings from the study provide an effective framework for analyzing some of the environmental variables that may influence students performance.
The leadership of a school as an institution goes a long way in defining the nature of the school climate and therefore the level and nature of interaction between different members of a school. School leadership determines the attitudes, values and norms that are transmitted via school activities (Lee, Daniels, Puig, Newgent, Nam, 2008). The disciplinary culture adopted by a school which affects the personal skills and behavioral development in students is influenced by the leadership systems adopted by a school. In general, most studies assert that the school environment or climate affect the levels of students connectedness and therefore their potential performance via policy and practice, school ethos and culture and the level of involvement by parents in school activities. Gaps in adopted frameworks and methodological inequities are some of the challenge faced in developing knowledge on the school environment. According to Waters, Cross, Runions (2009), despite the existence of studies that seek to understand the school climate and its effects on students connectedness and performance, a full range of ecological or environmental factors within the school setting is yet to be captured. The findings assert that the build school environment considerably affect the value that are adopted by students. Connectedness and development of values that promote academic performance has to be developed by the combined efforts of school administrators, students and teachers (Waters, Cross, Runions, 2009). The provision of appropriate recreational facilities and playing equipments goes a long way in providing a platform through which students can interact with others in a manner that promotes acquisition and development of skills and behaviors that are acceptable to the society.
The classroom environment is deterministic of the nature of interaction between students and teachers which affect the levels of transmission and retention attained. Cooperative learning, information sharing and open discussions are considered to be some of the effective practices in ensuring knowledge transmission and development of personal skills among students. Such strategies are not supported by random classroom designs and didactic teaching practices. The classroom layout and design are integral components of the school environment and play a vital role in determining the efficiency of information sharing and transmission within a class.
Study Two
A study by Harlaar, Dale, Plomin (2007) found that reading exposure is an environment mediated factor that affects the readings scores recorded by students. In a study that included 3039 twin pairs and assessed reading exposure using the Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE), the findings show that though genetic influences play a role in determining engagement in reading activities, the availability of reading materials and information resources is critical in determining reading scores. Previous researches had neglected the potential effects of genes and environmental factors in analyzing the nature of relationship between reading achievement and exposure (Harlaar, Dale, Plomin, 2007 Waters, Cross, Runions, 2009). The study asserts that environmental factors have an indirect effect on reading scores recorded by students. Access to reading materials, the appropriateness of the materials to students reading skills and information needs and attitudes towards reading in students homes are also influential on reading achievement (Nielsen, 2006). This is mainly because the levels of reading exposure which affects the perception that is developed of reading is affected by factors that are external to students for instance the community and the home environment. Reading is considered one of the fundamental aspects of academic performance and is often used as an indicator to academic performance. It is therefore evident by considerations on the nature of academics and the findings developed by this study that multiple environmental factors influence students academic performance.
Study Three
The home environment is a source of literacy even before children engage in formal education. The home environment and the resources it provides for students to improve their academic gains and develop positive behaviors affect students performance (Ko, Chan, 2009). The home environment is defined by several variables which include educational resources that it provides to students, the attitudes towards learning and education that students encounter within their families and the level of involvement by parents in their children education. Positive literacy experienced at home affects the reading skills and habits that are developed by students. Other skills that are important to academic development and personal skill acquisitions including listening comprehension, phonological awareness and vocabulary development are to a large extent affected by the home environment (Ko, Chan, 2009). It is common parental knowledge that students that are born within neighborhoods or families where they interact easily with other children tend to learn faster due to the effect that the family and community environment has on availability of learning and knowledge resources which affects engagement in learning (Ko, Chan, 2009). Communities defined by high levels of educational attainment have a motivating effect on students to attain similar if not higher levels of education. On the other hand, communities defined by high school dropout levels, elevated levels of teenage drug use and irresponsible parenting do not motivate students to attaining high levels of education. Thus the home environment and the community considerably influence the levels of educational attainment that students can muster. These are findings from a study carried out by Ko, Chan (2009) on the effects of the home environment on academic performance and personal skill development among Chinese students. Primary data and use of standardized assessment tools characterize the methodological approach adopted in the study.
Evidently, the home, school and community have an effect on the environment in which a child is expected to learn. Therefore understanding the influences that these variables have on the learning environment presents a suitable platform to ensuring that students are presented with the best mix of factor to ensure their success in education. However, the current frameworks and methodological aspects have been cited as lacking which calls for new methodological approaches (Waters, Cross, Runions, 2009). Adopting an effective framework would also ensure that different aspects that affect learning are captured by the study while ensuring that practical issues that influence transmission and retention of information are considered in the study.
Theoretical Framework
The theoretical model that will be adopted in the study has been outlined in the figure above. The theoretical model incorporate the school, home and community ecology as variables that are highly influential on the levels of autonomy, relatedness and competence developed by students. It is noteworthy that relatedness, autonomy and competence displayed by a student are important in determining the nature of interaction between a student and others in a school environment. According to the adopted theoretical framework, connectedness to educational goals and objectives is determined by the levels of competence displayed by a student. Ability to relate to educational goals and a students ability to make progress as an individual or seek information (autonomy) also determine gains made via schooling. Development of positive behavior, acquisition of personal skills and improvement in academic ability are all a results of the level of connectedness displayed by students towards attaining educational goals. This can be derived from educational and learning theories which assert that students perceptions of education and their ability determine the benefits that they will gain out of the school systems. Connectedness determines the willingness by a student to gain from the education system which goes a long way in improving educational goals.
The adopted theoretical model clearly assert that the home, community and school environment collectively plays a role in determining the levels of connectedness to school by a student which determines academic performance, behavioral development and personal skills acquisition levels. It is thus clear that the adopted theoretical model supports the development of the following working hypotheses
The home environment significantly affects students performance.
The school environment significantly affects students performance.
The community ecology significantly affects students performance.
Research Design
A quasi-experimental design will be adopted in the study. The research design is adopted mainly due to its relevance to the nature of the problem being studied. It is worth noting from analysis of the existing studies that the authenticity of a number of studies in the same area has already been brought into question. Adoption of poor theoretical frameworks and inadequate research approaches are to blame for the low integrity ratings by current studies. A quasi experimental research design provides a robust platform for the researcher to address authenticity issues while developing the study in a manner that is relevant to addressing the specific research questions. A quasi-experimental research design also provides a wider platform for the researcher to address the multiple issues that are involved in addressing the research questions. The study addresses the home, schools and community environments as well as considering performance from three dimensions namely academic performance, acquisition of personal skills and behavioral development. It is quite evident that the research is wide which calls for the inclusion of internal systems that will ensure that the varied issues and areas involved in the study are well addressed.
Analysis will be based on quantitative data thus the need for adoption of a research approach that allows for collection of quantitative data is critical to the study. The population in the study will be defined as teachers of students between grades eight and twelve. The emphasis on teachers rather than students is from consideration on the nature of the study and the problems being considered in the study. Teachers have greater experience of factors that affect students performance and can provide a concise and deep analysis of the home, school and environmental variables that influence students performance. Furthermore, teachers ease the research process since their inclusion in the study as participants eliminates the need to seek permission from parents which would have been the case had students been considered the population in the study. It is noteworthy that the specific methodological approaches adopted in the study are largely influenced by considerations on the research problem and the research questions which improve the authenticity and integrity of the study and the data that will bee developed as a result of the research process.
The first step in the study would be determining the schools that will be involved in the study. Use of more than one school in the study is a requirement resulting from the need to capture any variations across the population and address random errors that may affect the credibility of the study. School administrators would be interviewed in efforts aimed at seeking permission to conduct the study in institutions that they head. Moreover, since the study will involve teachers in the seventh, eight, ninth and tenth grades inclusion of different schools is mandatory considering that the grades being in the study are representative of different levels of education. Choice of the specific schools will be guided by the need to ensure equal representation of primary and secondary schools. Two schools will be randomly selected at the primary schools level and the same will be done at secondary school level. Another important consideration is that the schools will be chosen randomly from schools that have already display the willingness to be included in the study. It is worth noting that seeking permission from the administrators ensures that the teachers involved in the study are at ease which improves the accuracy of the collected data.
After the study has been communicated to the teachers they will be required to fill a survey that will seek to determine issues surrounding the research questions. The questionnaires will have both open and closed questions to provide structure which is important in deriving quantitative data and flexibility which is critical in highlighting specific environmental factors that influence students performance. Randomization in the study is important in minimizing the effect of random errors on the study is attained via use of random number generators when choosing the schools that will be involved in the study. Furthermore, the willingness of the teachers to engage in the study is not affected by the research which brings out an aspect of randomization.
Data Collection
Data collection will be done with the use of a questionnaire. A questionnaire provides a robust platform for the teachers or rather respondents to order their thoughts so as to present a clear response to the issues highlighted within the question forms. Furthermore, a questionnaire makes it easy to collect data from respondents from different schools. In addition to including open and closed questionnaire, likert-type questions will be included in the questionnaire to help in operationalisation of the variables that are involved in the stated hypotheses.
Variable and Operationalization
A number of variables are considered in the study. The dependent variable in the study is students performance which is considered to be academic performance, acquisition of personal skills and behavioral development. Improvement in students performance is measured by the perceptions that teachers have on student development. The perception is captured with the aid of one-five point scale likert-type questions used in the questionnaires. The independent variables in the study are the school environment which is defined as the structure, organization and values that are definitive of the class and school the home environment which is defined by the social and personal interaction between students and their siblings or parents and lastly the community environment which is defined as non-school and non-family factors that affect interaction between a student and other members of the community.
Chi-square analysis will be used in analyzing the developed hypotheses. Chi-square is used because the only variable being considered in hypotheses testing is teachers perception on the effects that different environments have on students performance. Descriptive analysis which will be aided by tables and scatter plots will help capture the variables that have been relayed by the teachers as being influential on students performance. Use of statistical software in the study will help improve accuracy in hypothesis testing.
Biases and Limitations
The following are some of the biases and limitation that may affect the study
Personal theories by teachers on factors that influence performance may cloud their judgment resulting in inaccurate data.
The study is highly dependent on the experience that teachers have accumulated and may therefore be inaccurate if the teachers involved in the study have few years of practical teaching experience.
Teachers may view students performance in terms of academic gains rather than behavior development or skill acquisition.